CBD as a Natural Antibiotic
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CBD as a Natural Antibiotic

Cannabidiol (CBD) from the hemp plant has been shown to have anti-inflammatory, pain-relieving, and calming effects (We’ve written about many of these topics here). CBD and premium hemp oils are often highly recommended for many health conditions due to these effects.
The latest results from science would now also seem to suggest that CBD could be an alternative to antibiotics, as it can have an antibiotic effect! Mind = blown.
CBD Can Have an Antibiotic Effect
The first studies on this were in Italy in 2008, when researchers found out in studies that certain amounts of THC and CBD can have an antibacterial effect. These were the first studies on this exciting topic, but, unfortunately, they weren’t followed up and it was only sometime later that something on this topic was heard again.
In 2019, a study was presented at an annual conference of microbiologists in the USA, which proves that cannabidiol can kill a large number of bacteria and pathogens. CBD is even effective against antibiotic-resistant strains of pathogens and bacteria that have become resistant to regular antibiotics over time. Even with prolonged use, CBD didn’t lose its potency, like the two most powerful antibiotics “vancomycin” and “daptomycin” do.
CBD Attacks the Biofilms of Bacteria
CBD can attack and destroy the bacteria’s natural biofilms. Biofilms are thin layers of mucus formed by bacteria to protect themselves from the human immune system. As a rule, the body’s own human immune system attacks the bacteria and destroys them. But the biological protective film protects them from our immune system. The cannabidiol destroys this film and makes the bacteria more vulnerable to our own protective shield. As a result, CBD can have an antibacterial and possibly antibiotic effect.
CBD in Antibiotic-Resistant MRSA Germs
There’re even studies showing that cannabis can kill multidrug-resistant MRSA (Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus) germs. Infections with such types of germs are occurring more and more frequently in hospitals worldwide. This particular type of germ is usually highly resistant to conventional antibiotics. So, you could use CBD to curb the spread of MRSA germs in hospitals. The multi-resistant germs are usually deadly for weakened patients, as they continue to spread in the body despite taking antibiotics and can thus lead to death. CBD or cannabis could be a good treatment option here.
CBD and the Effects of Antibiotics
Taking CBD can also enhance the effects of antibiotics. That in turn would affect the dosage of antibiotics. Logically, one could lower the dosage and still achieve a similar effect. Many doctors even think it’s conceivable that one day they’ll replace antibiotics with CBD.
The good thing about CBD is that the body can’t develop resistance to cannabinoids. Therefore, they should always have a consistent effect and one day the plant-based cannabinoids could be a good alternative to the antibiotic chemical mace. Cannabidiol can therefore be useful against bacterial infections. Research in the field of antibiotics continues!
CBD As a Medicine
Cannabidiol could therefore have what it takes to become a modern drug. Instead of using chemical antibiotics in many areas, one could rely on natural and plant-based substances. Whether in the medical field or in areas such as animal husbandry, in which antibiotics are also very often used, which are ultimately metabolized by humans, alternatives such as cannabis could be used.
But before this happens, many studies must be done. Even in the US, where medical cannabis research is much more advanced, there’s currently only one marketable drug containing the active ingredient CBD. So far, research has focused more on relieving pain and insomnia, but the field of action of cannabidiol is much broader.
What Dosage to Use?
Since these studies are still very young, it’s very difficult to say how CBD should be dosed to achieve these antibiotic effects. We, therefore, recommend that you speak to your doctor or pharmacist and wait for further studies on this topic.
New to CBD?
To start with cannabidiol, we recommend either one of our high-quality CBD oils or one of our premium hemp oils. You can control the dosage here and slowly increase it as needed.
Final Thoughts
The studies about CBD as an antibiotic are very promising. They show that the bacteria can’t become resistant to CBD because they can’t form a biofilm. Researchers even recommend CBD for infections in a systematic way.
Try our premium hemp oils and CBD products and get to know the great benefits of the popular plant.
Our online store aims to provide our customers in Australia with high-quality products. That’s why all our products are tested by independent labs to ensure the quality, purity, and effectiveness of our products. Check the reports here. You can learn more about CBD on our blog. Also, feel free to contact us if you have any questions or want more information about premium hemp oils. We’ll be more than happy to provide you with all the information you want.