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Danger of CBD: When Is CBD Dangerous?

Danger of CBD When Is CBD Dangerous

We sometimes hear, in the course of a conversation between friends, on the Internet, and even by the political class that CBD is dangerous. That, in the absence of hindsight, the precautionary principle should prevail. It would be better not to take it. So, how to disentangle what’s true and what’s false and form your own opinion in good conditions? Without jargon or taboo, we’ll explain in which case CBD can be dangerous and which cannabidiol-rich products can instead be consumed without fear.

If you’re looking for full spectrum CBD oilDown To Earth sells the purist full spectrum CBD oil in Australia.

Debunking Misconceptions: No, CBD Isn’t Dangerous

Let’s not maintain unnecessary suspense. CBD is not a dangerous molecule. It’s:

  • Non-psychoactive:It doesn’t get you high, unlike other cannabinoids naturally produced by cannabis/hemp, including THC.
  • Non-addictive:Consuming CBD regularly doesn’t create an addiction to the substance.
  • Devoid of major adverse effects:we come back to this point in more detail further down.

If CBD presents any danger or risk, this is due to how it is consumed as some ways of consumption present fewer risks than others. This is probably not a big surprise to most of our readers, but smoking CBD isn’t advised. Again, we’ll detail this point in a moment.

Is CBD Harmful?

No. The harmfulness of CBD is often cited by its detractors as one of its main dangers. The World Health Organization (WHO) itself declares on this subject:

“During its November 2017 meeting, the WHO Expert Committee on Drug Dependence concluded that pure cannabidiol (CBD) doesn’t appear to have abuse potential or be harmful to health.”

However, this doesn’t mean that taking CBD is never harmful to your health. The mode of consumption is often to blame.

Smoking CBD Poses Risks

In addition to being illegal, smoking CBD cannabis involves burning the material, and therefore bringing it to a very high temperature (up to 900°C). However, when there’s the combustion, there’s a release of toxins, toxic substances that one could, to simplify, become poisonous. CBD doesn’t contain nicotine, therefore smoking releases fewer toxins than a conventional cigarette. It’s estimated that a cigarette releases more than 4000 different toxins, out of which at least 70 are carcinogenic. A cannabis joint would only release 150 toxins, including five carcinogens. Better, but still dangerous.

Smoking CBD thus amounts, because of the combustion, to exposing oneself to an increased risk of oncological, cardiovascular, and respiratory diseases.

What Are the Dangers of CBD Oil?

Again, in itself, the oil doesn’t present any danger. However, it’s absolutely necessary to avoid smoking CBD oil. It’s also necessary, as with all CBD derivatives, to ensure product quality. Other dangers depend directly on the quality of the product, especially if it contains preservatives, and flavor enhancers or is extracted from a plant picked out of a “dirty” culture (pesticides, chemicals, heavy metals).

The extraction mode must also be taken into consideration. A CO extraction supercritical is recommended since it’s clean and respectful of the product. It isn’t so nor too hot such as during an oil extraction, which could alter the properties of the cannabinoids, nor extracted with a solvent, which can leave traces of chemicals in the oil.

Down To Earth  ensures a selection of top-quality CBD products, from natural and environmentally friendly agriculture.

In certain specific situations, generally directly related to the health general of the consumer and the possible taking of conventional treatment, it can be contraindicated to take CBD. Let’s see when and why.

CBD Contraindications: When Is It Best to Avoid It?

A few special situations should draw attention to the dangers of CBD. Analyzing them objectively then makes it possible to determine whether or not taking CBD is possible or, on the contrary, not recommended.

Drugs Interactions

A 2020 US study highlighted possible drug interactions with CBD, especially when taking antidepressants. Focusing on different groups of drugs, and treating diseases that are just as diverse, has made it possible to draw up a list of 57 drugs presenting a narrow therapeutic index, i.e. whose effects are potentially influenced by taking cannabinoids together.

Some Antidepressants are particularly concerning, implying very particular vigilance and an open discussion with the practitioner at the origin of the prescription before any regular consumption of CBD.

Can You Be Allergic to CBD?

There are rare cannabis allergies, which are not directly due to CBD. In the event of an allergic reaction, it’s more than likely that the product consumed contains THC and/or hemp pollen. To avoid them as much as possible, it’s recommended to avoid raw products in this case (cannabis flowers and resins) and to prefer a CBD isolate or a broad-spectrum product such as quality CBD oil, pure CBD crystals, or some creams.

Final Thoughts

CBD is not dangerous; that’s a fact. However, smoking CBD isn’t recommended since it releases many harmful chemicals; some of which are carcinogenic.

Additionally, it’s highly recommended not to take CBD products without consulting your doctor. Also, full spectrum CBD oil is usually the best option, and our store is well known for selling the best full spectrum hemp oil in Australia. All our products are tested by an independent lab to ensure their quality and purity. The lab reports are available on our website if you want to check them.

If you’ve any questions, contact us immediately. We’re here for you!