9 Facts about CBD You Should Know
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9 Facts about CBD You Should Know

In addition to the positive effect of CBD, there’re many other exciting facts about cannabidiol, which we don’t want to withhold from you.
But who are we to talk about CBD? Just try googling “hemp oil in Australia”, “hemp oil for sale in Australia”, “where to buy cannabis oil online in Australia”, “where to buy hemp products in Australia”, “hemp store in Australia”, or even “CBD Australia”. We guarantee you that Down To Earth will appear as the first result of your search. Simply, we’re the best hemp store in Australia.
Keep reading! Because you certainly haven’t heard of these facts.
Cannabis Plants Don’t Always Contain CBD
CBD is extracted from the cannabis plant. But that doesn’t mean that cannabidiol is contained in all species! Since the 1980s, the focus of cannabis breeders has been on producing mostly THC-rich strains. Only since CBD has become increasingly popular, more and more CBD-containing plants have been offered on the market. Nowadays, you can buy hemp products easily via any hemp store in Australia such as Down To Earth.
CBD Isn’t Legal Everywhere
In Australia, the purchase and consumption of products containing CBD are legal. However, although cannabidiol doesn’t have any intoxicating effects, it’s still equated with THC-containing products with psychoactive effects in some countries. For example, CBD is legal in the United States only if it comes from the hemp plant. Only 17 states allow the consumption of CBD from the cannabis plant. In Australia, people can buy cannabis oil online legally since 2017.
CBD Is Also Suitable for Animals
Not only you can benefit from the positive properties of CBD. In fact, there’s a variety of products that are also suitable for animals. Whether as an oil or as a powder – CBD can also be purchased for our beloved four-legged friends.
CBD Isn’t Only Found in the Hemp Plant
Even if CBD is mostly obtained from the hemp plant – the valuable substance isn’t only contained in it! Researchers from Poland found that the flax plant also contains CBD. And that’s not all!
In 2017, researchers found that cannabidiol is also found in breast milk. This stimulates hunger in young babies and the fabric continues to support important neurological growth phases in development. And for all beer lovers, we’ve got the following fun fact: CBD can also be obtained from hops. Since hops and cannabis are practically siblings, you can even extract significantly more CBD and thus terpenes from hops.
1940 Was the “Year of Birth” of CBD
CBD is one of the 113 cannabinoids known to date. It was discovered in 1940 by a group of chemists from the University of Illinois (USA). However, since very little was known about the substance at the time, it was initially classified as “toxic”. It was only 23 years later that CBD received attention again when the chemist Raphael Mechoulam determined the chemical composition.
CBD Is Good for the Environment
Arable land can benefit from growing industrial hemp! Hemp can help support damaged soil to regenerate. This’s because the plant can pull toxins and radioactive chemicals out of the soil. In addition, it absorbs four times as much CO2 as trees! Since the plant can be grown almost anywhere, it could help clean up the environment and help fight the ever-growing climate problem.
CBD Oil Isn’t the Same as Hemp Oil
Although hemp and CBD oil are both derived from the hemp plant, they aren’t the same product. Because hemp oil should usually contain neither CBD nor other cannabinoids. It’s extracted from the seeds of the hemp plant. CBD oil is usually a mixture of extracts from the cannabis plant and base oil. Coconut, olive, or MCT oil is usually used here. As the name suggests, CBD oil must contain CBD. Anyway, if you’re looking for hemp oil for sale, Down To Earth has everything you need.
Our Bodies Produce Cannabinoids Too
Cannabinoids aren’t only found in hemp plants but also naturally in our bodies. Endocannabinoids are an essential part of the endocannabinoid system (ECS), which is part of the central nervous system.
Hemp Has Been Known for More Than 10,000 Years
The usage of hemp dates back to 2700 B.C. It’s believed that hemp, its seeds, and oils have been used for over 10,000 years for all kinds of purposes. Historically speaking, it’s one of the first plants that humans domesticated since we used it to make clothes, ropes, paper, shoes, etc. Of course, hemp seeds and oils were used as food and medicines.
Final Thoughts
The previous facts are crucial to help you understand CBD and hemp better. Besides, researchers are very interested in finding out more about the benefits of CBD. The proven benefits can already help us lead better lives. Of course, before using CBD, you should consult your healthcare provider.
We’re experts in selling hemp oil in Australia and other CBD products. All our products are tested by independent labs to ensure their quality and purity. Check the lab reports on our website.
Of course, since you’re on your CBD journey, you probably have questions. Check out our blog and if you still have questions, leave a comment or contact us!