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CBD Oil Online and Back Pain


If you suffer from back pain, you’re not alone. It’s one of the most common ailments around! In Australia, according to the Australian Bureau of Statistics, one in every six people suffers from back pain, and around 180,000 people are hospitalised for it each year

While the causes vary, back pain is often a result of poor posture, lifting incorrectly, and different types of injuries and illnesses. However, diet and psychology can also influence the frequency and severity of back pain, too.

Feedback from our customers, along with clinical studies we’ll explore below, have shown that cannabidiol (CBD for short), or if you’re searching online, ‘premium CBD oil products’, may provide effective relief for back pain due to its anti-inflammatory and pain-relieving effects. Let’s look at the how and why!

How CBD Oil May Help with Back Pain

First up, it’s important (for newcomers) to remember that CBD does not cause sensations of euphoria, that is, it does not get you high. Rather, CBD is one of over 100 cannabinoids (molecular compounds) found in the hemp plant, and one that has been increasingly studied for various potential health benefits in the past decade with more studies arising every day.

Now, how may it help with back pain, we hear you ask? Well, in a few ways, actually!

First, many studies have found one of the most commonly reported benefits of CBD oil online is its analgesic properties, that is, it’s ability to reduce pain. In fact, the study we just linked in the previous sentence evaluated how CBD could be used as an alternative to opioid-based medications. It’s worth mentioning here that, unlike opioids, CBD is non-addictive. That’s a pretty important fact if you suffer from a chronic back issue!

CBD Oil Online and Herniated Discs

If you don’t know what a herniated disc is, that means you probably don’t have one –and that’s great. A herniated disc (also called bulged, slipped, or ruptured disc) is a fragment of a spinal disc nucleus that is pushed out of place and into the spinal canal. When this happens, it’s usually an indication that the disc itself is degenerating, and it’s an extremely painful issue to have.

For those that know exactly what this is and are suffering, we may have some good news! A study published in 2014 looked at the effects of CBD injections in rats with disc degeneration. The effects of the severe damage to the intervertebral discs of the animals were significantly reduced by the administration of CBD. Anti-inflammatory, and anti-degenerative effects were seen after the injections!

Yes, this means you may use CBD oil to help with herniated disc issues and it may help!

How Exactly May CBD Oil Help with Back Pain?

The pain-relieving effect of CBD arises from the fact that the cannabinoid binds to the body’s so-called CB1 and CB2 receptors. These receptors are part of the body’s own endocannabinoid system (ECS), which, among many other things, regulates the perception of pain. The receptor stimulated by CBD gives the cell instructions so that the pain is no longer felt so intensely.

The body’s ECS is a remarkable thing, and something regular readers will be familiar with. However, if you want to brush up on the specifics, or the ECS is a new concept for you, check out our blog on it here.

The other way CBD oil online may help with back pain is due to its anti-inflammatory properties of CBD. A clinical study in 2020 found that CBD reduces the levels of pro-inflammatory cytokines, inhibits T cell proliferation, induces T cell apoptosis and reduces migration and adhesion of immune cells.

This is all a bit technical, but the anti-inflammatory effect of CBD has been scientifically well researched. As a result, CBD has been suggested as being suitable for several inflammatory diseases, such as multiple sclerosis, rheumatism, and psoriasis among others.

Final Thoughts

If you are suffering from back pain, you may want to give CBD a try to see if it can help. According to our customer feedback, and the studies we’ve cited, there’s a good chance it will.

If you’re wondering about dosage, the general rule of thumb is to start low, and slowly work up until you get the desired effect. However, we’ve also prepared a helpful guide for you

here. As always, though, consult with your health professional before trying any new treatments.

One thing that’s important to remember: not all CBD oils are created equal. It’s a relatively new industry, and there are more and more businesses starting up trying to make money from it. Not all of them are ethical. Be sure that wherever you’re buying your CBD from provides you with an independent lab report on their products, which should show you the purity and potency of what you’re buying, like we do here.

If you’ve successfully used CBD oil to treat your back pain, let us know in the comments! And if you have any questions, feel free to ask away, or email us here. We started Down To Earth first and foremost to help people, so that’s what we’re here for.