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Lung Cancer: CBD as a Therapeutic Option

Lung Cancer CBD as a Therapeutic Option

Bronchial carcinoma is the most common cause of cancer death in men after prostate cancer and colon cancer, and the second leading cause of cancer death in women after breast cancer and colon cancer. Cannabidiol (CBD) can be used with chemotherapy/radiotherapy to help alleviate side effects. Additionally, interesting in vitro studies show that cannabinoids may be able to inhibit the growth of lung cancer cells. You can buy CBD oil online in Australia easily via Down To Earth, by the way!

There’re two types of lung tumors. About one in five patients suffer from small cell lung carcinoma. This aggressive tumor grows very quickly and usually forms early metastases in other organs.

A less aggressive type of lung cancer is non-small cell lung cancer, which affects about 80 percent of patients.

Causes and Symptoms of Lung Cancer

Smoking is one of the main causes of lung cancer. Only 15 percent of all lung cancer patients are non-smokers. However, other carcinogenic substances, such as asbestos dust or radioactive substances, can also damage cells in the lung tissue, causing tumors to form.

Additionally, lung scarring, which can result from inflammation or injury, can also increase the risk of lung cancer. The same goes for a hereditary predisposition.

Early in the disease, lung cancer usually causes no symptoms. The first signs could be shortness of breath, chest pain, fatigue, and a chronic cough. In the advanced stage, affected people lose a lot of weight in a short time and frequent expectoration with or without blood occurs. Other symptoms such as difficulty breathing, night sweats, and fever may also occur.

Lung Cancer: Division into Stages

There’re two stages of small cell lung carcinoma:

  • Stage LD (limited disease): In the limited stage, the tumor is limited to one lung and one side of the chest.
  • ED stage (extensive disease): In the extensive stage, the tumor has spread to surrounding tissues and the rib cage. In addition, metastases have already formed in the body.

Based on this staged classification, doctors can then plan treatment and follow-up care. It also allows doctors to better assess the evolution of the disease and the chances of recovery.

Treatment Options for Lung Cancer

The treatment mainly depends on the type of tumor and the stage of the disease. A non-small cell tumor can be surgically removed, provided no metastasis has yet formed. The chances of recovery are therefore good. If the tumor has spread to nearby tissues or if the lymph nodes near the tumor are affected, radiation therapy is usually used. Chemotherapy is usually given only if metastases have formed in other organs.

Treating a small cell lung tumor is much more difficult because in about 75 percent of cases metastases have already formed in other organs. Surgical removal of the tumor is only possible if it’s still very small. This’s rarely the case with small cell tumors. The treatment options available are chemotherapy with cytostatic drugs and then radiotherapy.

Studies: Influence of Cannabinoids on the Growth of Cancer Cells

In 2019, researchers from Rangsit University in Thailand published the interesting results of their study. In a mouse model, they were able to show that the cannabinoids tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), cannabidiol (CBD), and cannabinol (CBN) were able to inhibit the growth of bronchial carcinoma. Researchers attribute the anticancer properties primarily to the combination of THC and CBN.

Based on the positive results, the researchers are now planning clinical trials. They also announced that the university’s Institute of Medical Research is already working on a manufacturing method to extract pure cannabinoid compounds such as THC and CBN from the cannabis plant. This extract will then be used to develop a new drug (Read more about CBD clinical trials and CBD research).

The fact that the combination of individual cannabinoids appears to play an important role in inhibiting cancer growth is also confirmed by Israeli researchers in their in vitro study. They studied the effects of twelve cannabinoid combinations on twelve different cancer cell lines. It turned out that, in particular, combinations with a high THC content showed a strong cytotoxic effect on cancer cell lines.

Using CBD oil online in Australia is a trend already with thousands of customers reporting all kinds of benefits. 

CBD in the Treatment of Lung Cancer

Chemotherapy and/or radiotherapy place a heavy burden on cancer patients, both physically and psychologically. CBD can be used here to lessen side effects and improve patients’ quality of life. To date, no conclusive studies allow a reliable statement to be made as to whether inhalation of medical cannabis additionally damages the lungs in lung cancer.

Final Thoughts

Due to the uncertain study situation, lung cancer patients are advised not to inhale/vaporize CBD. Instead, oils or CBD edibles are preferable. More research is required but the results are promising. Of course, you should always consult your healthcare provider before using CBD products, though.

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