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Top 5 Smoothie Recipes for Pain

Top 5 Smoothie Recipes for Pain

Why should you drink a smoothie every day? We won’t only give you 5 reasons why you should drink a smoothie every day, but we’ll also give you 5 smoothie recipes that encourage you to enjoy them! And yes, we’re going to use CBD as an ingredient. You can buy edibles, CBD, and hemp products from our store and use them.

The Top Benefits of Drinking a Smoothie Every Day

  1. Natural Power

Fruits and vegetables in the right amount provide your body with all the vitamins, minerals and nutrients you need and smoothies help you to stay on your toes.

  • Healthy Weight Loss 

Green smoothies are on everyone’s lips. You should make sure to eat healthy fats, antioxidants, and proteins. The best way to pimp your smoothie is with plant-based protein powder, nuts, superfood, and CBD.

  • Immune System Booster

Are you prone to colds? Help yourself, because with the regular consumption of smoothies you can build up a stable immune system and become less susceptible to infections.

  • Antioxidants Against Diseases

Smoothies are packed with antioxidants. Pimp your smoothie with the right extras such as nuts, goji berries and CBD. Keep your cells healthy by helping them scavenge free radicals. CBD can help protect you from oxidative stress and the resulting diseases such as cancer, dementia, and rheumatism.

  • Done Quickly

It only takes a few minutes to prepare a smoothie and the benefits are huge. Quickly mixed, you can enjoy your delicious smoothie on the go!

Pay Attention to These 3 Things for the Perfect Smoothie

The Base

The basis is always formed from liquid. Add at least 150 ml of liquid to each of your smoothies. This can be water, juice, whey, milk, etc. It’s important that you like the base and that it harmonizes well with the other ingredients – Down to Earth CBD.

Don’t Overdo It

Fruits are high in fructose, so you should exercise caution about the amount of fruit you use. Try to include vegetables as well, because spinach, lettuce, and the like taste wonderful and offer extra vitamins and nutrients.

Listen to Your Body

Not all problems can be solved with smoothies, but smoothies can help strengthen your body and get you fit. Each of us has our limits, and there may also be headaches, back pain, or menstrual pain. 

The Three Magic Ingredients That Can Help Make You More Resilient


CBD Oil Can…


Top 5 Smoothie Recipes

In the following we’ve put together a few of our favorite smoothie recipes that have it all. The smoothies taste great and offer you a healthy variety of vitamins, nutrients, and antioxidants.

  1. Sweet Ginger Dream
  2. 2 oranges
  3. Mango/Apricots/Carrots
  4. 1 small piece of ginger
  5. 1 teaspoon maca powder 
  6. Your recommended amount of CBD oil
  7. Berry Booster
  8. Handful of raspberries
  9. 1 banana
  10. 1 orange
  11. Your recommended amount of CBD oil
  12. Fruity Coconut
  13. Handful of blueberries
  14. 100 ml coconut milk
  15. 100 grams of pineapple
  16. 1 tablespoon acai berry powder 
  17. Your recommended amount of CBD oil
  18. Salad as a drink?
  19. Handful of strawberries/blackberries/currants/raspberries
  20. 1/2 lettuce
  21. 150 – 250 ml water (depending on desired consistency)
  22. 1 tablespoon maca powder
  23. Your recommended amount of CBD oil
  24. Pain – Eradicate
  25. 100 ml coconut water
  26. 1/2 avocado
  27. Handful of (frozen) mango and pineapple
  28. Handful of spinach
  29. Your recommended amount of CBD oil

That’s how it’s done: Puree all ingredients in the blender. Pour into a glass & enjoy! You can find more of CBD smoothies here.

Final Thoughts

The health benefits of drinking a smoothie every day are numerous, especially when it includes CBD. If you don’t want to add CBD oil to your smoothie, you can buy edibles online in Australia and still enjoy these benefits (We’ve written a guide to CBD edibles).

Just make sure to buy edibles from trusted and reputable online stores like us. All our products are tested by independent labs, and you can check the reports here. Our main goal is to provide our customers with high-quality CBD products including CBD oils, topicals, and edibles.

Of course, always consult with your health specialist before commencing any supplements, though.

If you’ve any questions, please leave a comment or contact us and we’ll get back to you as soon as possible. Enjoy your smoothie!