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Author: michaelcs

From Acne to Anti-Ageing: How CBD Medicinal Balm Can Improve Your Skin

According to many scientific studies, CBD oil can do many wonderful things. But can cannabidiol contribute to healthy skin and smooth complexion? Can it fight wrinkles and slow down the ageing process?

The great news is that CBD can reduce the signs of ageing. But first we need to understand one thing: why does our skin actually age? 

How the Ageing Process Works

It happens to everyone. At some point, the wrinkles start. And then they don’t stop! Why is that?

Our skin loses its resilience and elasticity as we age. This happens when the body produces less collagen and other proteins. At the same time, the sebaceous glands produce less fat, which draws moisture from the skin and makes it drier.

This is the normal biological ageing process. There are also other factors that can accelerate ageing, such as genetics, as well as environmental factors such as sun exposure, and alcohol or tobacco consumption. An unhealthy diet, low antioxidants and excessive stress also accelerate ageing.

So What Can You Do to Prevent Skin Ageing

The first place to start is to look at environmental factors that you can control, like sun exposure and ensuring you have a healthy lifestyle.

You can also turn to plastic surgery or injectable treatments like Botox. But that’s not very natural.

The great news is that CBD is a natural treatment that fights impurities and leaves your skin looking clean, young and fresh.

CBD, Wrinkles and an Anti-Aging Effect?

CBD oils, as products derived from plants, have antioxidant properties. Antioxidants bind free radicals (chemicals that age your body) and prevent oxidative stress. Antioxidants can counteract the ageing process, reduce inflammation and improve the complexion.

CBD contains very powerful antioxidant properties, perhaps even more powerful than vitamins C and E. This means that CBD cosmetics can help with wrinkles, blemishes and inflammation.

What Types of CBD Cosmetics Does Down to Earth Have?

CBD cosmetics include a wide variety of products such as creams, oils, gels, lotions, serums or balms.

In fact, the American Academy of Dermatology mentions that topical CBD products show potential for lowering inflammation that can contribute to acne, eczema, and psoriasis.

Down To Earth is proud to offer a range of premium CBD skincare products, including body balms, lip balms, serums and bath salts, on top of our CBD oils and edibles range.

Today we’re looking at balms. Let’s see how to unlock and activate CBD balm and its benefits for your skin.

What Are the Benefits Of Using a CBD Balm for Skin?

CBD Balms For Acne

Almost all of us have experienced the perils of acne, an inflammatory disease of the skin. Therefore, anything that reduces inflammation and soothes the skin makes sense to help treat acne. This is where CBD balm, with its anti-inflammatory properties, can help.

When you calm acne and reduce inflammation, you minimise pimple formation and reduce redness. Your skin will feel and look better.

CBD Balms For Sensitive Skin

CBD balms can also have a calming effect. This can help with skin sensitivities such as redness and minimise rashes. Studies also show that CBD can reduce excess sebum (oil) production in the skin’s pores.

CBD Balms For Eczema And Psoriasis

CBD balms can also assist with a range of other inflammatory skin issues such as eczema and psoriasis.

Down to Earth’s Range of Soothing Balms

Down To Earth has a great range of CBD topical balm for many skin issues and types of skin.

Our Bliss Balm – German Chamomile soothes your skin with phytocannabinoids that work together with German chamomile, apricot kernel and the softening attributes of macadamia.

Our Active Balm – Arnica and Juniper is fabulous for those with an active lifestyle. A CBD muscle balm, the phytocannabinoids working together with muscular and joint pain-reducing oils like Arnica and Juniper.  Aches from exercise, sport, sport injuries and sprains can be relieved effectively.

Finally, our Repair Balm – Angelica and Geranium contains phytocannabinoids and terpenes naturally occurring in cannabis to help treat chronic skin issues such as eczema and psoriasis, or just stressed and irritated skin.

How Often Should I Apply CBD Balm to My Skin?

The great news is that you can use CBD balms as often as you need.

Final Thoughts

While CBD is generally safe, you should patch test any CBD skincare product to ensure it works for you.

Before using any CBD product, you should consult your doctor to ensure that CBD is right for you.

So what’re you waiting for? Get a CBD topical balm today. Or why not try our Balm Trial Pack to see which is your favourite. We only sell premium CBD products, and you can find independent lab reports on our website, or take a look at our customer reviews.

For further information, check out our other blogs, or if you have any questions, drop a comment or contact us and we’ll get back to you as soon as possible. We’re here to help!

CBD Isolate VS CBD Distillate: Which One Should You Choose?

Cannabidiol, or CBD, is one of many cannabinoids found in the Cannabis sativa plant.

Even though CBD comes from a plant, it cannot simply be picked and used. Instead, hemp, a variety of the Cannabis sativa plant known for its high CBD and low THC content, is harvested and processed to obtain the CBD oil.

But you might be asking yourself, what’s the difference between cannabis isolate vs distillate? What about CBD distillate and isolate? Can you isolate CBD oil safely? Well, read on!

What Is CBD isolate?

CBD isolate is CBD oil in its purest form, with a CBD content of 99% (or higher). The process used to make CBD isolate is that it removes all the ingredients responsible for the flavour and smell of hemp. This means that the CBD isolate has no taste or smell.

Does CBD Isolate Contain THC?

No, CBD isolate does not contain THC. In fact, a true CBD isolate does not contain any cannabinoids (other than CBD) or other compounds found naturally in hemp, including terpenes or resins.

The Potential Benefits Of CBD Isolate

Studies have shown that CBD oil contributes to better sleep quality, better management of certain types of pain, and the ability to relax more easily. These are just a few of the many potential benefits of CBD and, consequently, the reasons why people seek out CBD isolate products.

How to Use CBD Isolate?

Before using CBD isolate, there are a few things you should keep in mind.

The science behind efficient use of CBD is complicated. The rule of “the stronger the better” does not apply to CBD isolate, and some people may get greater benefit from lower doses.

CBD isolate can be combined with a carrier oil (such as coconut or hemp oil) to create CBD isolate oil.

It can also be used in various topical products, such as moisturisers, relaxation gels, nourishing balms, in food or in vaping. 

What Is CBD Distillate?

CBD distillate is a thick liquid that contains many compounds found in the cannabis plant. The consistency resembles that of honey or maple syrup. It can be brown, yellow or orange.

The distillate is what is left of the hemp plant after the extraction process has been done, and all harmful ingredients have been removed. CBD distillate contains CBD and all other cannabinoids that can be found in hemp.

CBD distillate is also used to make CBD isolate. After further processing of the CBD distillate, the individual compounds (such as CBD) can be isolated, creating CBD isolate.

CBD Isolate Vs Distillate: What’s the Difference?

CBD isolate and distillate are two very different things. For example, broad-spectrum CBD distillates can be used to extract CBD isolate, but a CBD distillate can never become a CBD isolate without further processing.

CBD isolate is CBD in its purest form. It does not contain other chemical compounds (such as terpenes or other cannabinoids) which can also be extracted from the cannabis plant.

CBD distillate, on the other hand, contains CBD and other cannabis-derived ingredients. However, it will not have any unnecessary or harmful components, such as solvents, heavy metals or moulds.

Which Is Better: CBD Isolate or Broad-Spectrum CBD?

The answer to this depends on how you use the product and why.

CBD isolates are perfect for people who may be intimidated by the idea of ​​using hemp-derived products, or for those who undergo rigorous drug testing at work (such as professional athletes or defence force personnel), as both broad-spectrum oils and full spectrum oils may cause a false positive.

So, what are the benefits of broad spectrum oils? Well, have you heard of the “entourage effect”? It is a phenomenon (explained well in a 2020 study) where CBD, when consumed with other compounds found in the cannabis plant, works better and gives better results.

This is because CBD may be able to work in harmony with these other compounds, amplifying the beneficial effects. This supports the theory that broad-spectrum CBD may be more beneficial than CBD isolate.

Final Thoughts

Now we know the difference between cannabis distillate vs isolate, you need to decide if it’s right for you. While CBD is generally safe, it may still cause some side effects, including nausea, dry mouth, drowsiness or low blood pressure.

Before using any CBD product, you should consult your doctor to ensure that CBD is right for you.

So what’re you waiting for? Check our Down To Earth’s products. We only sell premium CBD products, and you can find independent lab reports on our website, or take a look at our customer reviews.

For further information, check out our other blogs, or if you have any questions, drop a comment or contact us and we’ll get back to you as soon as possible. We’re here to help!

The Science Behind Broad Spectrum Oils: How They Work and Their Potential Benefits

So you’ve heard of CBD oil. Your friends swear by it. Your fave celebrities rave about it. It’s all over the news and social media.

Maybe you’re a bit curious about CBD oil products and how they might help you. But it can be confusing to understand exactly what CBD oil is, what it does, the different types and its uses.

Maybe you’ve even heard of broad spectrum CBD oil. But what does that mean?

Never fear! At Down To Earth, we’re here to help you understand about CBD oil and how it can improve your life.

What Is CBD Oil and How Does It Work?

Before we jump into what broad-spectrum CBD oil is and how it works, we need to understand how CBD affects the body.

CBD oil has a high concentration of cannabidiol, meaning you only need a small amount of oil to get the same benefits found in larger amounts from other CBD products.

CBD interacts with the endocannabinoid system (ECS) and other neurotransmission systems. The endocannabinoid system is one of the most important regulatory systems in the body and regulates, among other things, memory and cognition, pain perception, immune response, mood, emotional states, stress response, hormone levels, the reproductive system and the intestinal microbiota.

The ECS has receptors to which cannabinoids bind and modulate to produce particular effects. The main CBD receptors, CB1 and CB2, are interspersed throughout the body.

CBD oils can be used in several ways: inhaled or vaped, topically or under the tongue.

Types of CBD Oil

Now we know what CBD oil is and how it works in the body, what about the different types of CBD oils?

There’s three types of CBD oils – CBD isolate oil, full-spectrum CBD oil and broad-spectrum CBD oil.

1. CBD Isolate Oil

CBD isolate oil is pure CBD, containing up to 99% CBD. It is the most concentrated form and the most adaptable, meaning it can be used in a variety of ways.

If you take CBD isolate you will not get the psychoactive effects of THC, but you will still get all of the other potential benefits of CBD, which include its ability to reduce anxiety, improve mood and relieve pain.

2. Full-Spectrum CBD Oil

Full-spectrum CBD oil includes all the cannabinoids found in the Cannabis sativa plant, including CBD, THC and many more.

Full-spectrum CBD oil is a good option for anyone looking for all the benefits of CBD, including THC. This means that you will also consume trace amounts of THC as a result, but not enough to experience the psychoactive effects – the “high”.

3. Broad-Spectrum CBD Oil

So you’re probably asking, what are the benefits of using broad spectrum CBD oil?

Broad-spectrum CBD oil is similar to full spectrum oil but is THC-free, making it an excellent choice for those who want the benefits of CBD combined with other components obtained from the extraction of the whole hemp plant, but without the psychoactive effects of THC – without the “high”.

This is great for people who can’t have any THC in their system, such as people who operate heavy machinery, drive for work, or who have a job where you could be drug tested.

Remember: even people with medicinal cannabis prescriptions cannot consume products with THC and still do things like drive a car with THC in their system.

That’s why broad-spectrum CBD oil is fantastic: you get all the benefits of CBD oil without having to worry about THC in your system.

Furthermore, broad-spectrum CBD oil is an excellent product for those seeking the benefits of the entourage effect, which is where cannabinoids work synergistically – cannabinoids working together with each other and many other compounds within the plant such as terpenes, flavonoids and resins – so that you get the most benefit from the oil.

With a broad-spectrum CBD oil, you get all the other benefits of hemp oil extracts, like those mentioned above for full-spectrum CBD oil.

You might also be asking, is broad spectrum CBD oil safe to use for people of all ages?

Yes! But you should always consult your doctor before you start using CBD oils, depending on what you’re using CBD oil for, your medical conditions and any medications you’re on.

Final Thoughts

Before using any CBD product, you should consult your doctor to ensure that CBD is right for you.

Want to buy broad spectrum cbd oil in Australia? Look no further than Down to Earth!

At Down To Earth, we only sell premium products. You can see independent lab reports on our website, or take a look at our customer reviews, where we have almost 5000 independently verified reviews, with 4.74/5 product rating!

For further information, check out our other blogs, or if you have any questions, drop a comment or contact us and we’ll get back to you as soon as possible. We’re here to help!

CBD and Eczema: Treat It With CBD!

Do you suffer from dermatitis or skin conditions? If that’s you, CBD may be able to help.

CBD is particularly useful for combating skin disorders and skin inflammation, such as eczema.

Eczema, or atopic dermatitis, is a common non-infectious, inflammatory skin disorder. It often appears in children and can become chronic.

One problem with eczema is that it can be confused with symptoms of regular inflammation. Among these are itching, and reddening and peeling of the skin.

Eczema: The Causes

Eczema doesn’t have a single cause. Causes may vary from one person to another. This means it can also be difficult to treat.

Eczema may have genetic or environmental causes such as allergens, or it can also be caused by mental/emotional factors such as stress.

Eczema’s causes alter the affected person’s skin barrier and can modify the metabolism of lipids (fats) found on the surface layer of skin. The result is that the skin becomes rougher, irritable and very dry.

The immune response is also important. People with eczema show an exaggerated reaction of the defence system against allergens, emotional stress, smoke, pollution, particular clothing or excessive sweating.

The genetic component is also an important factor. In most cases, the condition occurs in children whose parents suffer or previously suffered from eczema.

Eczema can also be caused or exacerbated by dehydration of the skin due to the interaction of an enzyme and a particular type of fat (Omega 6), which in people without eczema ensures the correct functioning of the skin.

Therefore, every form of eczema and its underlying causes should be diagnosed individually.

The Benefits of CBD

CBD may counteract eczema thanks mainly to its anti-inflammatory properties.

To treat eczema, it’s recommended to use a CBD cream or oil. Cannabis extract improves the immune system and strengthens the defence cells in such a way as to better fight allergens and bacteria.

A CBD skin care product is particularly useful when used on irritated, dry skin or skin that has symptoms of dermatitis. In most cases, it can give instant relief.

The cannabinoid PEA has also been shown to reduce itching, redness and flaking, decreasing the formation of eczema by 60%.

Scientific Studies

While there have been few studies into the effectiveness of CBD to treat skin conditions, the available research is promising.

A 2020 study showed that CBD ointment is very effective in reducing itchiness and soothing inflamed skin, and can also help improve sleep in people with dermatitis.

Another study published in 2022 found that hemp seed products were extremely effective in managing dermatitis, psoriasis, acne and other skin conditions.

So if you want to buy the best hemp cream Australia has to offer to help with your skin conditions, it’s only available via our Down To Earth store.

Is It Safe to Use CBD for Dermatitis?

The debate about the safety of CBD products is pretty well over. Study after study has shown that it’s generally safe to use for skin conditions including dermatitis due to the incredible anti-inflammatory properties of CBD products – they can reduce itching and redness and relieve pain.

However, before using any CBD skin care product, we recommend you consult with your dermatologist to determine suitability for your specific situation, especially if you suffer from any skin conditions.

In addition, before buying any hemp cream Australia has, or CBD skin care products online, make sure that the store sells only premium products and is trustworthy, like Down To Earth.

You should also always patch test CBD skin care products to a small area unaffected by skin conditions to ensure you don’t have any unwanted reactions.

If you notice any redness, itching, or swelling, stop using the product and consult your dermatologist.

After the first patch test, you should patch test the affected area before applying it to larger affected areas.

Although it can be tempting to put a new topical treatment on your skin, especially if you’re desperate to get some relief from your skin condition, it is really critical to complete the double patch test on unaffected skin and then on affected skin. Conditions such as eczema, which can have a number of causes depending on each person’s individual and unique circumstances and genetics, may react differently to various treatments. At Down To Earth, we want to ensure that you’re experiencing only positive effects from any of our products.

Final Thoughts

Topical CBD products have many forms such as creams, lotions, oils, and balms. CBD might be effective in fighting skin conditions, increasing skin strength and protecting skin against future flare-ups.

Patients with eczema or any other skin condition can benefit from the previous effects.

At Down To Earth, we sell only premium CBD products. All of them are tested by independent labs to ensure their quality and purity. You can find these independent lab reports on our website.

If you have any questions, feel free to drop us a line or comment. We’re here to help you!

CBD and Alopecia: CBD Counteracts Hair Loss?

All of us shed between 50 to 100 hairs per day. However, if you’re shedding more than that, it can become a problem and lead to permanent hair loss.

More than half a million Australians suffer from hereditary hair loss or alopecia.

Alopecia has many causes including:

  • Hormonal changes from menopause or giving birth
  • Medical conditions such as chronic stress and thyroid problems
  • Genetics
  • Trauma, both emotional and physical.

Constant hair loss usually indicates an underlying medical problem. In this case, you should consult a dermatologist to find out the cause of your hair loss.

There are many treatments for hair loss, but many have negative side effects.

Enter: CBD. CBD is an exciting new trend in hair loss treatment.

CBD can improve hair growth, strengthen hair, limit its fall and help keep the scalp in perfect shape. CBD is especially effective in treating Alopecia if the main causes are stress or anxiety.

CBD and Alopecia

CBD can counteract Alopecia due to the presence of amino acids, fatty acids and antioxidants.

These help to keep the hair strong and healthy, as well as to reduce its sudden fall.

In fact, amino acids don’t just help strengthen the hair and hair follicles (the part that “sinks” into the skin) but they also improve and increase the presence of red blood cells.

Increasing red blood cells is fundamental for hair growth since they supply oxygen and nutrients to the hair follicles. Better circulation means hair will be healthier overall.

In addition, antioxidant such as vitamins, minerals and fatty acids, slow down the ageing of the hair and protect it from free radicals (toxins) that cause hair to fall out.

Finally, the presence of Omega 3 and Omega 6 (essential polyunsaturated fats) increases the blood supply, and therefore oxygen and nutrient supply, to the scalp.

Scientific Studies

According to several studies, CBD is a great treatment of Alopecia and common baldness. The studies show very promising results.

One of these studies was carried out on 35 subjects; 28 men and 7 women suffering from androgenetic alopecia (progressive thinning of hair caused by androgen hormones).

The researchers gave the patients a hemp extract containing 3-4 mg of cannabidiol (CBD), once a day for six months.

The results were exceptional. In fact, there was an average increase in hair growth of 93.5% compared to the six months before the start of the clinical trial.

The areas with the greatest regrowth were those of the scalp vertex (the crown of the head), which obtained better results than the temporal (side scalp) areas.

The male subjects also had a greater regrowth than the female subjects.

How Effective Is CBD for Hair Loss?

The effectiveness of CBD on hair regrowth depends mainly on the dosage. The above study showed excellent results, but it’s only one study. More research is required. The results may vary from person to person, including the underlying cause of hair loss, gender, age, family history and many other factors.

What’s the Best Way to Use CBD for Hair Loss?

CBD oil seems the obvious choice when it comes to hair loss since you can apply it topically. However, you can also buy cannabis edibles or full-spectrum CBD products.

What Are the Side Effects of Using CBD for Hair Loss?

CBD is generally safe for most people, according to the WHO. However, the quality of the products is critical and varies between manufacturers.

At Down To Earth, we only sell the best CBD oil and CBD edibles Australia has to offer. Just ask our customers! All our products are also tested by independent labs that ensure their quality and purity. You can find these independent lab reports on our website.

CBD may have several side effects including:

  • Fatigue
  • Diarrhoea
  • Weight gain/loss
  • Appetite changes

CBD products may also interact with certain medications. That’s why you should consult your doctor before using cannabis products, especially if you have any medical conditions or are on medication.

Final Thoughts

Hair loss is a common problem that may be treated with CBD products. You can buy CBD edibles online or try a topical CBD product. However, if you’re going to buy the best edibles Australia has, or any other CBD product, make sure you buy premium products from a trusted manufacturer, like Down To Earth.

At Down to Earth, you can buy CBD edibles online – we’ve got the largest and best selection of CBD edibles Australia has to offer.

If you’ve any questions or need more information, just drop us a comment or get in touch.

CBD and Hyperhidrosis (Excessive Sweating)

Hyperhidrosis is a medical condition where a person sweats excessively. The excessive sweating can be generalised, meaning it occurs all over the body, or localised, meaning it involves particular body parts. Localised excessive sweating can happen anywhere, but is most common on the soles of the feet, palms of the hands, armpits, face, chest or groin.

Hyperhidrosis can have repercussions on social or work life. For example, if you do manual work or work which requires precision, like a surgeon, or even just due to embarrassment – offering a sweaty hand to another person during a handshake or sweating through your clothes.

Over time, situations of this type can become a source of stress and can have a negative impact on the quality of life, even causing depression and anxiety.

Hyperhidrosis may be caused by a disease, depending on its causes, and can be classified as:

  • Secondary:Due to underlying diseases such as obesity, neoplasms, diabetes, hyperthyroidism.
  • Primary:Without an obvious causePrimary hyperhidrosis affects about 5% of the population, can occur at any age and affects men and women equally.

What Treatments Are Currently Available?

Hyperhidrosis can be difficult to treat. Excluding the causes of secondary hyperhidrosis, the current treatments for primary hyperhidrosis are medical or surgical. Medical treatments such as antiperspirants containing aluminium salts, localised injections of botulinum toxin A (botox), iontophoresis and prescription of anti-anxiety medication or tranquillisers, are only temporary, with the risk of causing severe adverse reactions (irritation, burning, allergic responses).

The surgical approach is reserved for the most serious cases. There are two main surgical options – either the removal of the sweat glands or Endoscopic Thoracic Sympathectomy (interruption of the nerve fibres that stimulate the sweat glands). However, they may not be conclusive and/or may cause serious side effects such as compensatory hyperhidrosis or reflex hyperhidrosis (increased sweating in other areas of the body, especially the back).

CBD and Hyperhidrosis

According to recent studies, CBD, one of the non-psychoactive phyto-cannabinoids in cannabis, may represent a new therapeutic strategy for the treatment of hyperhidrosis. In fact, researchers have found that daily intake of CBD, especially a full spectrum CBD, can lead to the complete elimination of excessive sweating in patients (with its reappearance within a few days of discontinuing treatment) and a consequent significant improvement in quality of life.

It’s known that CBD, in addition to having anti-inflammatory, analgesic (in the case of muscle pain, for example), and anti-epileptic properties, also has anti-anxiety effects in both humans and pets.

Furthermore, CBD facilitates serotonin neurotransmission, commonly known as the “feel-good hormone”. In this way, CBD could exert positive effects on anxiety levels and emotional states which subsequently affect the appearance of local hyperhidrosis.

A Case Study of CBD and Hyperhidrosis

A recent case study published in the Einstein (São Paulo) Journal in 2022 showed the effectiveness of CBD in the management and treatment of hyperhidrosis.

The person was a 43-year-old man who has been suffering from hyperhidrosis since adolescence. He tried most of the recommended pharmacological treatments. However, none was effective in treating the condition. They also caused serious side effects.

The patient was unable to work under pressure. Before any stressful situations at work, the patient had an increased heart rate, excessive sweating, anxiety and laboured breathing. The researchers provided him with 300 mg of THC-free CBD, one hour before work, on top of a regular 50 mg daily CBD dose

The patient was able to greet people normally without the need to dry his hands regularly.

The study continued for several months. The patient kept taking 50 mg of CBD daily. When he decided to stop taking CBD, the condition returned after a few days. After that, he decided to continue the CBD therapy. Since September 2019, he’s been taking 50 mg of CBD, two times per day and his excessive sweating is now under total control.

Final Thoughts

CBD, especially full spectrum CBD, could be the optimal solution for hyperhidrosis. Other studies show very promising results. However, more studies are needed to determine whether CBD products can be used as a treatment.

Of course, you should consult your doctor before taking CBD for hyperhidrosis, especially if you have a medical condition or take any medications.

If you’re looking for a store to buy the best full-spectrum product Australia has to offer, Down To Earth is the answer. You can buy full spectrum products in addition to any other CBD products. All our products are tested by independent labs to ensure their quality and purity. You can find these independent lab reports on our website

Of course, if you need more information, you can drop a comment, contact us, or check out our blog for more posts about CBD. We’re here to help!

Cannabinoids and Glaucoma

The term glaucoma is a group of diseases that can cause vision loss and blindness by damaging the optic nerve, a nerve in the back of your eye.

One of the major risk factors is intraocular pressure – elevated pressure in the eye. An abnormality in the eye’s drainage system can cause fluid to build up in the space between the lens and the cornea in the front of the eye, leading to excessive pressure that causes damage to the optic nerve.

Unfortunately, many people are unaware of the condition until symptoms appear. Therefore, it’s very important to undergo annual eye pressure checks after the age of 40 to be able to intervene promptly and slow down the disease.

Types of Glaucoma and Symptoms

The symptoms caused by glaucoma are highly variable, depending on the type of glaucoma, and they generally appear in the more advanced stages of the disease:

  • Primary Open-Angle Glaucoma:this is the most common form (60-70% of cases). Its progression is usually slow and linked to ageing. Most people don’t realise they are affected. In this type of glaucoma, the external field of vision is impaired, characterised by patches or blind spots.
  • Closed-Angle Glaucoma: this is characterised by a very rapid progression, accompanied by symptomssuch as severe headache, nausea, vomiting, intense pain and redness in the eyes, blurred vision, seeing halos around lights, and loss of vision in one or both eyes.
  • Secondary Glaucoma:this occurs as a result of other diseases, such as diabetes or hypertension, or after eye treatments. Symptoms manifest as blurred vision with halos around lights.
  • Congenital Glaucoma: this is a very rare form that affects young children. Given the age of the patients, it’s often difficult to recognize the symptoms (large eyes, excessive tearing, sensitivity to light (photophobia), eyes that jerk or appear watery, and/or squint).


Although glaucoma is currently incurable, its progression can be slowed down and controlled by adequate therapy. The available therapies aim to reduce eye pressure by applying eye drops when the disease is in its initial stages, followed by laser treatment or surgery in cases of advanced degeneration.

However, pharmacological treatments may not be suitable for all patients and can cause side effects such as redness, irritation and pain in the eyes, nausea, headache and dry mouth.

Glaucoma, Phyto-cannabinoids, and Endocannabinoids

Many studies suggest that natural compounds with anti-inflammatory and antioxidant activity can be a valid aid in the treatment of glaucoma.

Among natural compounds that have properties of this type, phyto-cannabinoids (Molecules derived from the Cannabis plant) have interested the scientific world as a possible anti-glaucoma treatment since the 1970s.

Clinical and preclinical studies have shown that the administration of THC, one of the main cannabinoids with psychotropic (hallucinogenic) effects, significantly decreases eye pressure, but this effect is only temporary (between 2 and 4 hours) and requires repeated use.

Further studies have investigated the potential of cannabidiol (or CBD), the second best-known cannabinoid. Unlike THC, CBD doesn’t induce hallucinogenic effects and its pharmacological properties (such as anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, anti-anxiety, and pain-relieving) have been widely effective to treat many conditions. However, until now at least, CBD hasn’t been used to treat glaucoma.Some studies suggest that CBD may increase eye pressure instead of decreasing it.

As a store that sells the best CBD products Australia has to offer, we don’t recommend using any products without consulting your doctor first, especially if you have any medical conditions or take medication.

However, there are some very encouraging results from clinical studies that have evaluated palmitoylethanolamide (or PEA) as a possible therapeutic option in the treatment of glaucoma. PEA is a cannabinoid that is naturally produced by your body with anti-inflammatory, pain-relieving, anti-microbial and neuroprotective activity, and its levels decrease significantly in patients suffering from glaucoma.

Several clinical studies have demonstrated that PEA supplementation in glaucoma patients can decrease eye pressure without inducing toxic effects or side effects even after six months of treatment. Furthermore, this effect appears to be long-lasting and persists even after PEA discontinuation.

The evidence at our disposal, therefore, indicates that, unlike THC and CBD, PEA has potentially beneficial effects in the treatment of glaucoma:

  • Increases the drainage of the fluid between the lens and the cornea, the accumulation of which increases eye pressure.
  • Induces the dilation of the ophthalmic artery, which decreases pressure around the eye.
  • Induces neuroprotective effects both in the central nervous system and in the eye.

Final Thoughts

Although scientific evidence doesn’t yet recommend THC and CBD to be considered valid tools for the treatment of glaucoma, other cannabinoids such as PEA show very promising results. Further studies are needed to clarify which cannabinoids can be useful as an anti-glaucoma treatment.

As a premium and reputable retailer, Down To Earth recommends that you consult with your doctor before you consume or use cannabis products, especially if you have any medical conditions or take medication.

If you’re looking for the best CBD shop online and the best CBD products Australia has to offer, Down To Earth is the way to go. We’ve got a full range of CBD products that are tested by independent labs to ensure their quality. You can find these independent lab reports on our website.

If you need more information, drop a comment or contact us. Remember, we’re here to help!

From What Age Can I Use CBD?

The eternal question!

Many of you are asking again and again: How old do I have to be to use CBD?

We hear a lot about CBD and other powerful cannabinoids in the media and also on the internet. But what is the age limit? When can you start using CBD?

This is something we hear really often and the answer is: it depends.

We’ll give you the information you need to know how you can take CBD and make an informed decision on when and how to buy hemp oil and other hemp products.

From What Age Can I Use CBD?

The type of CBD product you’re using will determine the age you can start using CBD. While cosmetics and care products with CBD are freely available in Australia without age restrictions, it’s more complicated with other CBD products. For example, you can’t buy CBD oil online in Australia if you’re under 18.

If you want to start using CBD as a dietary supplement, such as CBD soft-gel capsules or classic CBD oils, the supply and sale of these products are strictly regulated from the age of 18 upwards. It’s also important that the cannabis product has less than 0.2% THC. If it has a higher percentage, it’s no longer considered a hemp product, but a narcotic. It gets a little more complicated with unprocessed hemp flowers, also known as CBD flowers.

If you want to buy CBD oil in Australia, you should ensure that the seller is trusted and only sells premium products like we do at Down To Earth.

Are There Exceptions to the Age Rule?

No, there are no exceptions to this rule for over-the-counter products for oral use and CBD hemp flowers are strictly prohibited for children and adolescents under the age of 18.

The only exception is made for medicinal cannabis products for under 18s that are prescribed by a doctor to treat conditions such as epilepsy.

Is CBD of Concern For Older People?

No, cannabidiol is also fine to use for older people. However, as with all CBD products, you should discuss your personal situation with your doctor, especially if you have any medical conditions or take medication.

Why Is CBD 18+? 

Since cannabidiol is a cannabinoid, its sale and consumption are strictly regulated from the age of 18 and up. On one hand, this is because many CBD products also contain trace amounts of THC.

Because THC is psychoactive and intoxicating, and is classified as a narcotic, any product containing trace amounts of THC is strictly regulated. But THC-free full-spectrum CBD oils, for example, are also only available for those above 18. This is the only way to ensure that CBD products are used responsibly.

How About Other Cannabinoids? 

In addition to CBD and THC, there are 112 other cannabinoids. Their modes of action are still not well known. Like CBD and THC, CBG or Cannabigerol is a cannabinoid that interacts with the endocannabinoid system. In addition to CBD oils, CBG oils and flowers are only available from the age of 18. The same regulations for CBD and THC apply to all other cannabinoids.

We expect that more cannabinoids will be researched in the near future. We also think that in a few years there will be a wide range of different cannabinoid products on the market to assist with a range of conditions.

But what we do know is that the only way to buy CBD oil in Australia is from Down To Earth – we only sell premium CBD products.

Final Thoughts

  • Cannabinoids in cosmetics are not age-restricted (excluding THC)
  • Dietary supplements with CBDare generally available from the age of 18 and over
  • Thereare prescription medicines with CBD for under 18s to treat conditions like epilepsy
  • CBD can also bring benefits for older people
  • Discuss with your doctor beforehand you consume CBD products

At Down To Earth, you can buy CBD oil online in Australia in addition to many other CBD products. All our products are tested by independent labs to ensure their quality and purity. You can find these independent lab reports on our website.

Before you buy CBD oil in Australia or any other CBD products, make sure the store is reputable, like Down To Earth. We only sell premium CBD products.

Just ask our customers! We have almost 5000 independently verified reviews, with a 4.85/5 store rating and 4.74 product rating. We’re proud to be a seller of premium CBD products and we’re proud of our outstanding customer reviews. But we’re not surprised – we know we sell the best CBD products in Australia!

If you have any questions or need more information, drop a comment, contact us, or check out our blog. We’re here to help.

CBD and Sexuality

Looking for a way to spice up your sex life? CBD may be able to help!

Cannabidiol (CBD) is a compound found in the cannabis plant. It doesn’t cause the “high” associated with marijuana – the high comes from a compound called tetrahydrocannabinol (THC).

CBD has many benefits for both the body and mind, such as relieving anxiety and nausea, helping athletes recover quicker and increasing relaxation and general wellbeing. This is why manufacturers have isolated CBD – removed the THC – and added it to many products.

But CBD can also help you in the bedroom, especially with increased libido and lubrication.

How Does CBD Affect Libido?

To understand how CBD might help put that spark back into your sex life, we need to understand how CBD works in the body.

Inside your body are tiny receptors that are part of a whole system that scientists call the endocannabinoid system (ECS).

Although CBD doesn’t “open” them directly, it can trigger a series of reactions in the body that stimulate the ECS.

The Investigation

According to a 2009 article, researchers found ECS receptors in sexual reproductive organs, such as the testicles as well as in the brain.

Other studies have found that cannabinoids like CBD and THC may increase libido, while others have found that they decrease it, so there’s still a need for more research.

Other research suggests that CBD products may improve libido by reducing anxiety, as it has anti-anxiety properties. Some people have sexual performance anxiety, which causes their libido to drop. By relieving anxiety, sexual desire and performance can increase.

Does CBD Have Other Sexual Benefits?

There isn’t a lot of research on CBD and sexual benefits, but there are emerging products on the market designed to help with the following sexual problems.

Remember, everyone is different, so CBD and THC will have different effects on different people. Some of us definitely turn into horn dogs after using cannabis, while others don’t.

Erectile dysfunction 

Ayurvedic practitioners have used Cannabis sativa, the plant from which THC and CBD are derived, for many years to improve ejaculatory function and sexual performance.

The exact way that CBD can help erectile dysfunction is still not fully known. One theory is that CBD might help relax blood vessels and promote blood flowBetter blood flow to the penis can alleviate erectile dysfunction and promote longer sexual intercourse.

Bad Lubrication

For those who struggle with dryness and painful sex, adding a lubricant can improve sexual performance and relieve pain. Many manufacturers of CBD cosmetic products make lubricants that incorporate CBD as a means of enhancing lubrication and therefore sexual pleasure.

Researchers have studied the effects of topical CBD as a dermatological treatment. According to several studies, topical CBD is credited with anti-inflammatory properties, which may make sex more comfortable. However, there are no specific studies on CBD and lubrication.

Low Sexual Desire

Another theory is that cannabis affects sexual desire directly in the brain. A 2017 study on cannabis users found that cannabis activated the part of people’s brains that controls sexual arousal. The authors concluded that cannabis use may be helpful for people with low sexual desire.

Faster Recovery

There are many positive effects of CBD for Athletes due to its anti-inflammatory properties. It helps the muscles to recover faster. That’s why CBD for Sports is common nowadays. This fast recovery can also be very helpful after sexual intercourse.

Is There Any Downside to Using It?

The potential side effects of CBD often depend on how it’s used.

Some people may have an allergic reaction to CBD or to the components used to make the product, such as oils or fragrances. Other side effects may include stomach pain, loss of appetite, and fatigue after using CBD, but the symptoms are usually mild.

Although CBD has been attributed to certain benefits when it comes to sex, more research is needed, including regarding how the use of the cannabis plant may affect fertility. A 2006 research review published in the journal Endocrine Reviews listed some of the known side effects that CBD marijuana use has on fertility, such as:

  • Loweringcertain hormone levels in men and women
  • Decreasingthe normal development of sperm in men
  • Affectinga woman’s normal reproductive cycle, including ovulation.

Scientists still don’t know if the effects on fertility are caused by CBD, THC or some other component of cannabis.

How CBD Can Be Used in Your Sex Life?

You can incorporate CBD products into your sex life in several ways. Some examples are the following:

  • Using a CBD massage oil or a medicinal balm for foreplay
  • Apply a CBD medicinal balmto reduce dryness and increase pleasure
  • Using a CBD oil before sex to relieve anxiety and increase sensations.

Final Thoughts

CBD products designed to enhance sex are starting to become available. Since CBD products currently don’t have many side effects, they may be worth a try if you’re looking for ways to give your sex life a boost.

At Down To Earth, we sell the best CBD products including medicinal balm in Australia. Don’t just take our word for it, check out our customer reviews. All our products are tested by independent labs to ensure their quality and purity. You can find these independent lab reports on our website.

So next time you want to bring the sexy back into your sex life, try one of Down To Earth’s premium CBD products.

The Munchies: What Are They? Why Do They Occur? How to Manage Them?

You’ve heard of “the munchies”, a term indicating an irrepressible and uncontrolled impulse linked to the use of cannabis and which causes an increase in appetite after consuming cannabis, even on a full stomach.

In this article, we’ll explore “the munchies” and how to manage them effectively.

What Are “The Munchies” And Why Using Cannabis Makes You Hungry?

The munchies is when, after consuming cannabis, you feel the urgent need to eat, usually comfort food or junk food.

If you’ve ever experienced the munchies, you’ll know just how strong the pull to eat is.

To fully understand the munchies, we need to understand the causes and symptoms. Yes, we’re getting (briefly) scientific!

The munchies are caused by THC. THC is one of the compounds present in cannabis that causes the “high” feeling. THC deceives the brain by altering the perception of the sense of hunger and also the sense of smell. This happens because THC stimulates neurons normally responsible for suppressing appetite.

An American study has identified the links between marijuana consumption and appetite: the neurons responsible for creating the prohormone pro-opiomelanocortin or POMC, stimulated by cannabinoids, arouse appetite in a person even if you’ve eaten and have the “full” feeling after a meal. In other words, THC “deceives” the brain into thinking you’re hungry.

When POMC neurons are activated by cannabinoids, they stop releasing the hormones which make you feel full, and which normally stop you feeling hungry.

The Munchies: When They Start, How Long They Last, And How to Manage Them

As a rule, the munchies tend happen between 30 minutes to about 2 hours after consuming cannabis.

Each person is different and the type of cannabis consumed also plays a role in how a person experiences the munchies. In fact, different types of cannabis, for example sativa dominant, indica dominant or a hybrid mix, contain different percentages of THC, which can lead to varying levels of hunger.

How you consume cannabis also affects how you experience the munchies. Vaping cannabis can increase THC ingestion by up to 46% more than smoking cannabis, which therefore would lead to more intense munchies.

The munchies caused by taking cannabis through CBD Skincare or edible products will be less intense than vaping or smoking, but can still happen.

Knowing how the munchies work will allow you to manage the effects.

The first thing you should do is ensure you have a good diet and eat regularly throughout the day. And don’t consume cannabis on an empty stomach!

If the munchies persist even with a full stomach, it’s important to try to distract attention from food in some way. Maybe a walk, a bike ride, reading or watching something.

Chewing gum can also help, with the chewing action often enough to deal with the feelings of hunger.

A further alternative may be to change the type of cannabis taken. To reduce the munchies, you could try cannabis with a higher concentration of CBD or THCV to THC, or try fixed dosage products such as edibles and CBD skin care products. A hemp skincare product, for example CBD skin serum, will probably provide you with all the benefits you want without munchies in most cases.

Final Thoughts

Whilst you might get the munchies, it’s important to know it’s not actually real – the body isn’t hungry, the brain has just been “tricked” by the THC into thinking the body needs food.

By trying some of the strategies mentioned above, you can manage the munchies effectively.

Remember, you should consult your doctor before using any CBD products including edibles and CBD skin care products, especially if you have any medical conditions or take medication.

At Down To Earth, we sell the only premium CBD products. All our products are tested by independent labs to ensure their quality and purity. You can find these independent lab reports on our website.

Subscribe to our blog and give us a holler if you have any questions. We’re here to help.