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Tag: entourage effect

The Benefits Of Synergy & The Entourage Effect in CBD Topicals

CBD oil and essential oils have a lot more in common than you might suspect. In fact, it wouldn’t be wrong to say that CBD oil is an essential oil itself. Like any essential oil, the basic idea is to take advantage of naturally occurring compounds in order to benefit our own health and wellness. Whether from cannabis, lavender, or any other plant, the combination of these oils can enhance many aspects of our daily health and wellness. CBD topicals are products that often benefit from combining with other essential oils. Together, these oils enhance all their best qualities and create the entourage effect.

The Advantage of CBD & Essential Oils, Combined

Thanks to the recent rise of legal cannabis, we understand a lot more about the complex chemical properties it possesses. For example, we now know that the chemical compound CBD has a variety of interesting effects, including many positive benefits for the skin. Of particular note is a phenomenon known as the “entourage effect.” This is what happens when the chemical compounds of cannabis are used together, rather than in isolation. It’s why some prefer full-spectrum CBD oils as opposed to isolates. The combined benefits of all the different cannabinoids and terpenes reinforce one another. The effects of each are blended and made stronger, leading to a more efficient and possibly more beneficial experience. 

For those familiar with essential oils, you might notice this sounds similar to the concept of synergy. In fact, many chemical compounds that contribute to the “entourage effect” in full-spectrum CBD exist in other essential oils. Not only are synergy and the entourage effect compatible with one another, they’re essentially one and the same.

The Entourage Effect v Synergy

Synergy is the blending and balancing of different essential oils to create a more powerful advantage. Usually, a specific functionality is the goal. Examples include improving mood or relieving stress. It’s a process of selecting and blending the right oils based on the unique characteristics of their respective compounds. When perfectly aligned, the terpenes and other compounds create a more potent effect than any essential oil could do alone.

This appears to be exactly what happens with the entourage effect as well. Utilise more than just the single cannabinoid compound CBD oils are known for, and you often produce stronger results. The combination of different cannabinoids and terpenes reinforce each other just as they would in a synergised essential oils blend. 

Synergy, CBD, & Skincare

At Down To Earth, we’re passionate about using CBD to improve the health and wellness of the world, one drop at a time. Our line of full-spectrum CBD topicals takes full advantage of the entourage effect. They also synergise with other essential oils for an even more drastic explosion of efficiency. Feel free to contact us here to learn more and place your first order today!

The Benefits Of Synergy & The Entourage Effect in CBD Topicals

CBD oil and essential oils have a lot more in common than you might suspect. In fact, it wouldn’t be wrong to say that CBD oil is an essential oil itself. Like any essential oil, the basic idea is to take advantage of naturally occurring compounds in order to benefit our own health and wellness. Whether from cannabis, lavender, or any other plant, the combination of these oils can enhance many aspects of our daily health and wellness. CBD topicals are products that often benefit from combining with other essential oils. Together, these oils enhance all their best qualities and create the entourage effect.

The Advantage of CBD & Essential Oils, Combined

Thanks to the recent rise of legal cannabis, we understand a lot more about the complex chemical properties it possesses. For example, we now know that the chemical compound CBD has a variety of interesting effects, including many positive benefits for the skin. Of particular note is a phenomenon known as the “entourage effect.” This is what happens when the chemical compounds of cannabis are used together, rather than in isolation. It’s why some prefer full-spectrum CBD oils as opposed to isolates. The combined benefits of all the different cannabinoids and terpenes reinforce one another. The effects of each are blended and made stronger, leading to a more efficient and possibly more beneficial experience. 

For those familiar with essential oils, you might notice this sounds similar to the concept of synergy. In fact, many chemical compounds that contribute to the “entourage effect” in full-spectrum CBD exist in other essential oils. Not only are synergy and the entourage effect compatible with one another, they’re essentially one and the same.

The Entourage Effect v Synergy

Synergy is the blending and balancing of different essential oils to create a more powerful advantage. Usually, a specific functionality is the goal. Examples include improving mood or relieving stress. It’s a process of selecting and blending the right oils based on the unique characteristics of their respective compounds. When perfectly aligned, the terpenes and other compounds create a more potent effect than any essential oil could do alone.

This appears to be exactly what happens with the entourage effect as well. Utilise more than just the single cannabinoid compound CBD oils are known for, and you often produce stronger results. The combination of different cannabinoids and terpenes reinforce each other just as they would in a synergised essential oils blend. 

Synergy, CBD, & Skincare

At Down To Earth, we’re passionate about using CBD to improve the health and wellness of the world, one drop at a time. Our line of full-spectrum CBD topicals takes full advantage of the entourage effect. They also synergise with other essential oils for an even more drastic explosion of efficiency. Feel free to contact us here to learn more and place your first order today!

Full Spectrum vs CBD Isolates – The Lowdown

When looking for hemp-derived products on sale, customers can choose between full spectrum CBD oils and CBD isolates. While they might look similar, these substances are fundamentally different. Both of them -however- can be used to treat hundreds of different conditions including anxiety, chronic pain, skin diseases and other disorders.

Before deciding whether to buy a full-spectrum tincture or an isolate, it is important to understand the differences between these products and the action mechanisms behind their effectiveness. Stating that broad spectrum and full spectrum products are the best in all cases would be an oversimplification, as CBD isolates have proven to be the best for some specific conditions.

What is the Difference between a Full Spectrum CBD Oil and a CBD Isolate?

The difference between these two products comes from their components. While both of them are extracted from the same family, full spectrum CBD oils contain a wide range of naturally occurring cannabinoids and terpenes. Isolates, on the other hand, are extracted in a way that preserves only the cannabidiol present in the plant.

Among the non-CBD components of full spectrum tinctures, the most well known are cannabinol and cannabigerol, which are commonly used to treat sleeping disorders and chronic inflammation respectively. These substances are naturally present and preserved in full spectrum CBD oils.

Full Spectrum CBD and the Entourage Effect

If you have been looking for CBD products and doing some research on their actions in the human body, you might have come across the term “entourage effect”. This refers to the way in which all the natural cannabinoids of full spectrum tinctures are able to work together in the treatment of several conditions.

Apart from potentializing each other’s effects, cannabinoids in full spectrum CBD oils can reduce the influence of any psychoactive component that might have gone through the extraction process. CBD oil in Australia, the United States and most Western European countries is subject to a limit when it comes to THC concentration, making some patients wary of the potentially psychoactive properties in their CBD products.

Whether you are a first-time user or a regular CBD consumer, we would recommend you to start with a full-spectrum oil unless there is a specific situation that would force you to take a CBD isolate instead. Some customers prefer to play it safe and take isolates if they must go through a drug test, as full spectrum tinctures might contain higher levels of THC.

When CBD Isolates are the Best Choice

Although it is generally more recommendable to take full spectrum tinctures, a CBD isolate might be your best choice not only if you are worried about a drug test but also if you want to have a consistent experience with every batch. Full spectrum extracts might contain different concentrations of each cannabinoid and terpene, as each strain of the plant is different and full consistency is almost impossible to achieve.

Nowadays, most shops and businesses selling hemp products in Australia and the rest of the world have both full spectrum tinctures and CBD isolates available. With both of them, sublingual administration is the most recommended, as it allows all the components to be absorbed directly into the bloodstream through the mucous membranes under the tongue.

Regardless of whether you decide to buy a CBD isolate or a full spectrum tincture, it is always important to do some extra research and choose a reputable company that has premium growth methods and clean extraction techniques that maintain the components without the use of chemicals, heat, toxic or aggressive substances.