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Tag: synergy

The Benefits Of Synergy & The Entourage Effect in CBD Topicals

CBD oil and essential oils have a lot more in common than you might suspect. In fact, it wouldn’t be wrong to say that CBD oil is an essential oil itself. Like any essential oil, the basic idea is to take advantage of naturally occurring compounds in order to benefit our own health and wellness. Whether from cannabis, lavender, or any other plant, the combination of these oils can enhance many aspects of our daily health and wellness. CBD topicals are products that often benefit from combining with other essential oils. Together, these oils enhance all their best qualities and create the entourage effect.

The Advantage of CBD & Essential Oils, Combined

Thanks to the recent rise of legal cannabis, we understand a lot more about the complex chemical properties it possesses. For example, we now know that the chemical compound CBD has a variety of interesting effects, including many positive benefits for the skin. Of particular note is a phenomenon known as the “entourage effect.” This is what happens when the chemical compounds of cannabis are used together, rather than in isolation. It’s why some prefer full-spectrum CBD oils as opposed to isolates. The combined benefits of all the different cannabinoids and terpenes reinforce one another. The effects of each are blended and made stronger, leading to a more efficient and possibly more beneficial experience. 

For those familiar with essential oils, you might notice this sounds similar to the concept of synergy. In fact, many chemical compounds that contribute to the “entourage effect” in full-spectrum CBD exist in other essential oils. Not only are synergy and the entourage effect compatible with one another, they’re essentially one and the same.

The Entourage Effect v Synergy

Synergy is the blending and balancing of different essential oils to create a more powerful advantage. Usually, a specific functionality is the goal. Examples include improving mood or relieving stress. It’s a process of selecting and blending the right oils based on the unique characteristics of their respective compounds. When perfectly aligned, the terpenes and other compounds create a more potent effect than any essential oil could do alone.

This appears to be exactly what happens with the entourage effect as well. Utilise more than just the single cannabinoid compound CBD oils are known for, and you often produce stronger results. The combination of different cannabinoids and terpenes reinforce each other just as they would in a synergised essential oils blend. 

Synergy, CBD, & Skincare

At Down To Earth, we’re passionate about using CBD to improve the health and wellness of the world, one drop at a time. Our line of full-spectrum CBD topicals takes full advantage of the entourage effect. They also synergise with other essential oils for an even more drastic explosion of efficiency. Feel free to contact us here to learn more and place your first order today!

The Benefits Of Synergy & The Entourage Effect in CBD Topicals

CBD oil and essential oils have a lot more in common than you might suspect. In fact, it wouldn’t be wrong to say that CBD oil is an essential oil itself. Like any essential oil, the basic idea is to take advantage of naturally occurring compounds in order to benefit our own health and wellness. Whether from cannabis, lavender, or any other plant, the combination of these oils can enhance many aspects of our daily health and wellness. CBD topicals are products that often benefit from combining with other essential oils. Together, these oils enhance all their best qualities and create the entourage effect.

The Advantage of CBD & Essential Oils, Combined

Thanks to the recent rise of legal cannabis, we understand a lot more about the complex chemical properties it possesses. For example, we now know that the chemical compound CBD has a variety of interesting effects, including many positive benefits for the skin. Of particular note is a phenomenon known as the “entourage effect.” This is what happens when the chemical compounds of cannabis are used together, rather than in isolation. It’s why some prefer full-spectrum CBD oils as opposed to isolates. The combined benefits of all the different cannabinoids and terpenes reinforce one another. The effects of each are blended and made stronger, leading to a more efficient and possibly more beneficial experience. 

For those familiar with essential oils, you might notice this sounds similar to the concept of synergy. In fact, many chemical compounds that contribute to the “entourage effect” in full-spectrum CBD exist in other essential oils. Not only are synergy and the entourage effect compatible with one another, they’re essentially one and the same.

The Entourage Effect v Synergy

Synergy is the blending and balancing of different essential oils to create a more powerful advantage. Usually, a specific functionality is the goal. Examples include improving mood or relieving stress. It’s a process of selecting and blending the right oils based on the unique characteristics of their respective compounds. When perfectly aligned, the terpenes and other compounds create a more potent effect than any essential oil could do alone.

This appears to be exactly what happens with the entourage effect as well. Utilise more than just the single cannabinoid compound CBD oils are known for, and you often produce stronger results. The combination of different cannabinoids and terpenes reinforce each other just as they would in a synergised essential oils blend. 

Synergy, CBD, & Skincare

At Down To Earth, we’re passionate about using CBD to improve the health and wellness of the world, one drop at a time. Our line of full-spectrum CBD topicals takes full advantage of the entourage effect. They also synergise with other essential oils for an even more drastic explosion of efficiency. Feel free to contact us here to learn more and place your first order today!

The Entourage Effect Explained

As we go through our lives taking pills and isolated active ingredients to treat anything from simple headaches to severe psychological disorders, we often forget where these medicines come from. The fact is that most pharmaceutical products are made of natural plants and fungi, from which active ingredients are extracted and isolated.

Traditional medicinal practices, however, believe in the beneficial effects of using entire plants instead of isolates to treat diseases. The entourage effect refers to this synergic effect through which all the components of a particular plant act together and potentiate each other’s effects.

How Does the Entourage Effect work in CBD Products?

If you have done some research on the CBD oils available in the market, you might have noticed that there are “CBD isolates”, “Broad Spectrum CBD” and “Full Spectrum CBD” products. While isolates contain only cannabidiol, broad and full spectrum extracts include more of the natural components of the entire plant.   This doesn’t necessarily mean full spectrum is better than isolates, it simply means the potential for maximum effect is there.  Each individual is different.

Undoubtedly, the most well-known substance present in this miraculous plant apart from CBD is THC; the psychoactive component responsible for the “high” sensation commonly associated with marijuana. Low concentrations of tetrahydrocannabidiol (THC), however, can boost the healing properties of cannabidiol without causing any undesirable effects. Cannabidiol, on the other hand, can counteract the psychoactive effects of THC, creating a real synergising effect that brings out and boosts the best of both substances.

But THC and CBD are not the only components that can work together and generate an entourage effect. There are many different cannabinoids that are naturally present in full-spectrum tinctures, each of them having individual properties and specific uses.

Hemp Oil: Much More than Cannabidiol

For customers dealing with depression, stress and anxiety, buying broad-spectrum or full-spectrum CBD oils is the best choice. While cannabidiol on its own is certainly beneficial for the entire body, components such as CBG and CBN are effective in regulating the number of neurotransmitters in the brain and tackling the root causes of neurological conditions, sleep disorders and chronic pain.  CBDV can also be added to the powerful anti-inflammatory and pain-relieving list of cannabinoids – our Earth Gummies have a higher than normal ratio of CBDV present to fight pain and inflammation further promoting stronger relaxation benefits.

Other common cannabinoids present include THCV; which promotes weight loss, and CBC; which is a natural antibiotic and has shown to have cancer-fighting properties.

Although the entourage effect most commonly refers to the synergic action of CBD and THC, different federal and state regulations around the world have established strict limits to the concentrations of tetrahydrocannabidiol in any hemp-derived product. However, while more scientific research is made available and legislative changes occur, we can keep enjoying the properties of the 100+ terpenes and cannabinoids of the plant working together to make our lives healthier.

We all know of Essential Oils!  What about them?

As amazing as the entourage effect is with the sum of all parts being greater together and amplifying their singular parts beyond what the singular parts would do alone, is the synergistic effect of essential oils.  Different oils working in combination with each other and intensifying the result of each oil beyond what they would alone! 

It’s beautiful to see how the Entourage Effect is so widely studied arising from the hemp revolution we are embracing, and we can also start to see how effective natural medicines actually are and when brought together in the right way, produce more beneficial results than what would be expected.

One example is our Topical Balms where CBD’s Entourage Effect is coupled with various synergies of essential oils to produce a maximising effect on the skin and then within the body. 

The Best Products to Enjoy the Entourage Effect

At Down to Earth, we believe in the effectiveness of these cannabinoids, terpenes and essential oils giving the ability of its components to restore your health and balance. Our Full Defence 2000 is a good choice for severe conditions relating to joint and muscle pain, sleep, inflammation, anxiety, PTSD and stress.

As mentioned above our Topicals range have Balms and Facial serums containing CBD and various essential oils designed to combat certain issues such as pain, skin conditions, muscle aches, tiredness, dryness and dehydration.

As Australia and New Zealand continue to work towards a fair regulation of CBD-related products, we are committed to delivering the highest quality products with quality selection, extraction and manufacturing processes. All our oils, edibles and topicals have cannabinoid laboratory reports and clear indications of the organic ingredients contained in these natural and safe products.