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Author: michaelcs

How to Choose a Quality CBD Product?

The CBD industry is growing rapidly. More and more CBD companies are being formed every week, and hundreds of CBD products are now available. This wide variety of products can be overwhelming, so how do you choose a quality CBD product?

Unfortunately, not all CBD is of the same quality. Many companies make low-quality, potentially harmful CBD products that contain less CBD than advertised. However, some products, such as CBD isolate oil, can’t be of low quality or contain other chemicals. As this 2020 study shows, mislabeling is common among CBD brands. Moreover, a 2017 study looked at 84 products; only 26 of these were correctly labeled. So many were incorrectly labelled!

For this reason, it’s important to only buy CBD products from reputable companies.
So how can you tell if your CBD is high quality? Here are three suggestions to consider:

Choose Products That Have Been Tested by Third Parties 

This is the absolute minimum requirement for a CBD brand. If a product isn’t lab tested and the report hasn’t been made available to consumers, don’t buy it.

Look for a third-party lab report when buying CBD. This could also be referred to as a Certificate of Analysis or COA. This means that the products are tested in an independent laboratory. You should be able to read a company’s lab report online.

These lab reports confirm the amount of CBD in the product. The lab should also test for toxins such as pesticides, herbicides, mould, and heavy metals, none of which you want to be consuming. CBD isolate oil in Australia should be free from contaminants.

At Down To Earth, all products are tested by independent labs and the lab reports are freely available on our website.

Choose CBD Extracted from High-Quality Hemp

Premium CBD starts with premium hemp! Hemp grown on substandard, polluted soil will produce substandard, contaminated hemp. When pesticides and herbicides are used in the cultivation of hemp plants, these harmful toxins can end up in CBD products. Therefore, if you decide to buy low-quality CBD products, you may end up digesting toxins, harmful chemicals, or additives.

Before you buy CBD, ask yourself: Is this company transparent about where their CBD comes from? Do they use potentially toxic chemicals like pesticides and herbicides to grow their hemp? Or do they opt for organic farming?

Companies that aren’t transparent about the source of their CBD are unlikely to be transparent about the dosage of the CBD. Therefore, you may be getting more or less CBD than you expect or want. These companies usually don’t get their products tested by third-party labs either.

Of course, selecting poor-quality CBD products means that you also won’t get the benefits you want. What’s more, they may cause you harm since you don’t know what dangerous chemicals you’ll be consuming.

Down To Earth only uses organic hemp grown. For example, our CBD isolate in Australia is 100% pure. Even if you want to know how we isolate CBD oil, we can provide you with such information. Transparency is key!

Furthermore, the CBD we use is grown using organic methods, so our products contain absolutely no dangerous toxins. We also test all products for contaminants to be extra sure you’re getting premium, safe CBD.

Choose CBD from Companies That Are Known for Their Quality

Buy CBD from reputable companies, not fly-by-night brands without a proven track record. How do you make sure a CBD company is reputable? You can do the following:

  • Research:That seems obvious, but it’s a good start. Are they new and unknown? Were they involved in controversies? Are there any news articles about the company?
  • Check Online Reviews:Check out reviews on their website, social media, and independent review sites. What are people saying? Make sure that the reviews are from actual customers who have tried the products too. The internet is full of fake reviews.
  • Read the Online Reviews of the Product:Check what people are saying about the product before buying it. For example, we sell the best CBD isolate in Australia according to our customer reviews.
  • Check Their Certifications:Certifications vary from country to country. In Australia, it’s best to choose a CBD company that uses certified hemp.

Shopping for CBD products can be overwhelming, but the tips above can help you choose premium quality CBD from reputable companies. Your health is worth the investment. Also, it’s advisable to consult your doctor before taking any CBD products.

Final Thoughts

There are quite literally hundreds of CBD products on the market nowadays. However, not all products are made equally. Consumers must understand the various types of CBD products, such as CBD isolate oil, CBD gummies, etc. as well as how they differ. It’s important to take actual steps toward finding high-quality products that are tested by third-party labs.

So, in a nutshell, when shopping for CBD products, remember these points:

  • Find stores that sell only high-quality CBD products.
  • Make sure that the products are tested by independent labs to ensure their safety, purity, and quality.
  • Buy CBD products that are made of organic hemp.
  • Read the customer reviews and make sure that they’re from actual customers.

At Down to Earth, we care about our customers and want them to understand everything about CBD. You can read more on our blog and of course, if you need more information or have any questions, contact us. We’re here for you!

Why Is CBD So Expensive?

The active ingredient CBD is on everyone’s lips these days. The list of suppliers and manufacturers of CBD products and oils is long. But why’s CBD so expensive? We got to the bottom of the question.

Is The Trend Responsible for the Price?

In recent years, in particular, the active ingredient CBD and various products with hemp have experienced a real boom. Try searching for a hemp cream in Australia and you’ll find dozens of brands and suppliers.

In the meantime, they’ve become indispensable for sports enthusiasts, people with a healthy lifestyle, but also simply for fans of the green herb. The demand keeps increasing. But if you observe the price development of the last few months, this’s tended to mean that prices have fallen slightly. This development can be explained very easily: You only have to take a look at the now very long list of providers and brands. This of course results in real competition. And of course, everyone wants to offer the best price/performance ratio. So, what could be the real reason for the overpriced prices?

Quality Makes the Difference

Quality has its price. And a good, high-quality CBD product only scores with a full-spectrum hemp extract. Unlike manufacturers who rely on cheap CBD isolates, all our products including CBD skin care products only contain premium ingredients.

The 3 Crucial Factors

To get a better understanding of CBD and what the differences are in the final product, you need to consider three different factors:

1. The Hemp Plant

Correct processing is also crucial for CBD products. But let’s start from the beginning: First and foremost, of course, it depends on the raw material hemp to be treated. High-quality industrial hemp from the EU, which was planted and controlled under strict conditions, is priced significantly higher than hemp that has been treated with pesticides. As with all other products, you must dig deeper into your pocket for high-quality hemp. For example, premium hemp skin care products are usually very expensive. Buying a high-quality hemp cream in Australia can literally cost you a fortune.

2. The Extraction Process

There’re also serious differences here that are noticeable in the price of CBD products (especially oils). Because there’re different processing techniques to win CBD, for example, ethanol extraction. As the name suggests, ethanol is used to filter cannabinoids and terpenes. However, this method has proven to be of inferior quality since traces of harmful substances such as chlorophyll or alcohol can remain. We therefore strongly advise against products that use this process!

Now, we come to what’s probably the most common method of extracting CBD: CO2 extraction. Studies agree. With this process, high-quality products can be obtained. In addition, sustainability isn’t neglected. Because it’s a very economical, easily accessible, and safe alternative. Not only does the full spectrum of the hemp plant remain largely available, but also the other important ingredients. Since this method takes a little more time, it also differs in price from ethanol extraction.

But there’s one process that outshines all other technologies, the distillation process. This method usually produces premium products. In this technique, the terpenes are first extracted using the distillation process, and then the cannabinoids are extracted using ultrasound. After that, terpenes and cannabinoids are mixed and an extract with 80% CBD and 20% terpenes is created. In contrast to CO2 extraction, no terpenes are lost here due to the temperature difference. In the last step, the extract is mixed with the right dose of hemp seed or MCT oil, for example. Thanks to the particularly gentle production, the valuable natural terpenes of the cannabis plant are preserved.

3. The End Product

Ultimately, it comes down to the end product. In addition to the ingredients, this also includes the packaging. In addition to hemp, other ingredients can be found in many products. And as with CBD, you can use either cheap or high-quality raw materials. In the rarest cases, there’s a combination of both. Our products all have a premium quality level.  CBD oils are full-spectrum oils that are produced with organic hemp seed oil. In addition, the unique flavors, thanks to the addition of essential oils, have synergy effects and are mild, with no scratchy throat. So, nothing with artificial flavors that only consist of sugar.

Our motto is “Quality First”. You can feel and see that in the packaging. Because the oils are bottled in high-quality glasses, they last longer while preserving the bioenergy. In addition, the oils as an end product, compared to other suppliers, have less than 0.03% THC. Moreover, our CBD skin care products are the best in Australia according to our customers’ reviews.

Final Thoughts 

With our products, you’re definitely at the right place. Because here you not only buy CBD skin care products and other hemp products of the highest quality, but you’ll also receive these at a very good & fair price-performance ratio.

At Down To Earth, we care about the quality of our products. That’s why all our products are tested by independent labs to ensure that each product is premium. You can check the lab reports on our website.

Finally, we’ve covered many CBD topics on our blog. Check our blog for more information. You can also leave a comment or contact us if you’ve any questions!

9 Facts about CBD You Should Know

In addition to the positive effect of CBD, there’re many other exciting facts about cannabidiol, which we don’t want to withhold from you.

But who are we to talk about CBD? Just try googling “hemp oil in Australia”, “hemp oil for sale in Australia”, “where to buy cannabis oil online in Australia”, “where to buy hemp products in Australia”, “hemp store in Australia”, or even “CBD Australia”. We guarantee you that Down To Earth will appear as the first result of your search. Simply, we’re the best hemp store in Australia.

Keep reading! Because you certainly haven’t heard of these facts.

Cannabis Plants Don’t Always Contain CBD

CBD is extracted from the cannabis plant. But that doesn’t mean that cannabidiol is contained in all species! Since the 1980s, the focus of cannabis breeders has been on producing mostly THC-rich strains. Only since CBD has become increasingly popular, more and more CBD-containing plants have been offered on the market. Nowadays, you can buy hemp products easily via any hemp store in Australia such as Down To Earth.

CBD Isn’t Legal Everywhere

In Australia, the purchase and consumption of products containing CBD are legal. However, although cannabidiol doesn’t have any intoxicating effects, it’s still equated with THC-containing products with psychoactive effects in some countries. For example, CBD is legal in the United States only if it comes from the hemp plant. Only 17 states allow the consumption of CBD from the cannabis plant. In Australia, people can buy cannabis oil online legally since 2017.

CBD Is Also Suitable for Animals

Not only you can benefit from the positive properties of CBD. In fact, there’s a variety of products that are also suitable for animals. Whether as an oil or as a powder – CBD can also be purchased for our beloved four-legged friends.

CBD Isn’t Only Found in the Hemp Plant

Even if CBD is mostly obtained from the hemp plant – the valuable substance isn’t only contained in it! Researchers from Poland found that the flax plant also contains CBD. And that’s not all!

In 2017, researchers found that cannabidiol is also found in breast milk. This stimulates hunger in young babies and the fabric continues to support important neurological growth phases in development. And for all beer lovers, we’ve got the following fun fact: CBD can also be obtained from hops. Since hops and cannabis are practically siblings, you can even extract significantly more CBD and thus terpenes from hops.

1940 Was the “Year of Birth” of CBD

CBD is one of the 113 cannabinoids known to date. It was discovered in 1940 by a group of chemists from the University of Illinois (USA). However, since very little was known about the substance at the time, it was initially classified as “toxic”. It was only 23 years later that CBD received attention again when the chemist Raphael Mechoulam determined the chemical composition.

CBD Is Good for the Environment

Arable land can benefit from growing industrial hemp! Hemp can help support damaged soil to regenerate. This’s because the plant can pull toxins and radioactive chemicals out of the soil. In addition, it absorbs four times as much CO2 as trees! Since the plant can be grown almost anywhere, it could help clean up the environment and help fight the ever-growing climate problem.

CBD Oil Isn’t the Same as Hemp Oil

Although hemp and CBD oil are both derived from the hemp plant, they aren’t the same product. Because hemp oil should usually contain neither CBD nor other cannabinoids. It’s extracted from the seeds of the hemp plant. CBD oil is usually a mixture of extracts from the cannabis plant and base oil. Coconut, olive, or MCT oil is usually used here. As the name suggests, CBD oil must contain CBD. Anyway, if you’re looking for hemp oil for sale, Down To Earth has everything you need.

Our Bodies Produce Cannabinoids Too 

Cannabinoids aren’t only found in hemp plants but also naturally in our bodies. Endocannabinoids are an essential part of the endocannabinoid system (ECS), which is part of the central nervous system.

Hemp Has Been Known for More Than 10,000 Years 

The usage of hemp dates back to 2700 B.C. It’s believed that hemp, its seeds, and oils have been used for over 10,000 years for all kinds of purposes. Historically speaking, it’s one of the first plants that humans domesticated since we used it to make clothes, ropes, paper, shoes, etc. Of course, hemp seeds and oils were used as food and medicines.

Final Thoughts 

The previous facts are crucial to help you understand CBD and hemp better. Besides, researchers are very interested in finding out more about the benefits of CBD. The proven benefits can already help us lead better lives. Of course, before using CBD, you should consult your healthcare provider.

We’re experts in selling hemp oil in Australia and other CBD products. All our products are tested by independent labs to ensure their quality and purity. Check the lab reports on our website.

Of course, since you’re on your CBD journey, you probably have questions. Check out our blog and if you still have questions, leave a comment or contact us!

Melatonin as a Sleep Aid

When our eyes get heavier and our body slows down, one hormone, in particular, is in full swing – melatonin. Restful sleep is essential for our health. However, sleep disorders are a daily burden for many people. According to a new study by the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, one in three adults regularly lacks sleep. Sleeping pills, especially those containing the active ingredient melatonin, can help here. Also, CBD edibles in Australia are widely used nowadays as an alternative to traditional sleeping pills. You can buy premium CBD edibles online in Australia via Down To Earth.

The Effects of Melatonin at a Glance

  • Shortens the sleep phase
  • Regulates the sleep-wake cycle
  • Improves sleep quality
  • Reduces energy consumption
  • Works to lower blood pressure
  • Affects metabolic processes
  • Stimulates the immune system
  • Stimulates the formation of growth hormones and thus cell renewal
  • Promotes the production of sex hormones
  • Suppresses appetite

What Can Affect Melatonin Formation?

The human hormone household can get out of balance very quickly. There are a variety of factors that can lead to a lack or excess of melatonin in the body.

Melatonin Production Is Affected by Age

Age is an important cause of melatonin deficiency symptoms. Small children can fall asleep better at night and sleep through the night due to higher melatonin production. As the pineal gland produces less and less melatonin throughout life, older people often suffer from sleep problems. Of course, you can’t make a general statement here, but it should definitely be considered as the cause.

Medications Lower Melatonin Levels

Some medications influence melatonin formation as a side effect or main effect. Certain antidepressants and antibiotics, as well as methylphenidate, beta-blockers, and oral contraceptives, for example, can therefore interfere with a good night’s sleep.

Digital Devices Affect Melatonin Formation

If we use our smartphones before going to bed, we often have trouble sleeping afterward. This’s due to artificial light and its blue light component. Electromagnetic radiation in general also has negative effects on melatonin release and reduces sleep quality. For this reason, you should completely avoid digital devices such as smartphones, televisions, and PCs in your bedroom.

Chronic Stress Throws the Hormone Balance Out of Balance

Cortisol is the natural antagonist of melatonin. The hormone cortisol is boosted by chronic stress, which means that cortisol levels are permanently too high. As a direct result, melatonin can’t be released in the necessary amount, and we can’t rest in the evening.

Melatonin Deficiency as a Result of Serotonin Deficiency

During the day we form serotonin, which is converted to melatonin in the pineal gland in the evening. If we’ve too little serotonin in our body, not enough melatonin can be formed.

Menopause Can Cause Melatonin Deficiency in Women

During menopause, women go through major hormonal changes. In addition to hormones such as estrogen, the melatonin concentration in the blood also changes. The reduced production promotes sleep disorders during menopause.

Melatonin and CBD

Studies show that CBD can reduce stress and contribute to healthy sleep. Since melatonin and CBD can be taken together, the mixture of the two active ingredients allows the body to relax and calm down even more. The result of this combination is restful sleep and more inner peace.

Some products now combine both active ingredients, giving you easy access to all their benefits. The oral route of administration is the best way to take both CBD and melatonin.

If you’ve trouble sleeping, CBD edibles in Australia are trending as a way to soothe the body and mind. You can buy cannabis edibles via our store and mix them with any melatonin supplement for a healthy night’s sleep.

The dosage of CBD-melatonin products depends on various factors such as weight, gender, and metabolism, which is why it isn’t possible to give a general dosage. Since biology differs from person to person, there can be different reactions and tolerances when ingested. That’s why it’s better to start with the smallest possible dosage and then increase it gradually. In addition, it’s highly recommended to consult your doctor before trying the mixture of CBD and melatonin as a sleep aid. Buying edibles online in Australia is easy nowadays but it’s better to use them under complete medical supervision.

Final Thoughts    

Melatonin is essential for healthy sleep. If we’ve too much or too little melatonin in the blood, our internal clock can quickly become unbalanced, which can lead to sleep problems.

Studies show that CBD and melatonin can be taken together and have the potential to contribute to healthy sleep. CBD edibles are trending as a natural alternative sleeping pill. The calming effect of CBD in combination with the natural sleep hormone melatonin can promote restful sleep and regulate the sleep-wake cycle.

At Down to Earth, you can buy CBD edibles online and other CBD products. We’re the best online CBD shop in Australia depending on our customers’ reviews. All our products are tested by independent labs to ensure their quality and purity and the lab reports are available on our website.

Finally, if you’ve any questions, check out our blog posts, leave a comment, or contact us and we’ll get back to you!

Sleep well!

Duration of CBD: Understand Everything for Greater Benefits

Depending on the product used, its CBD concentration, the frequency of intake, and the person, the effects of CBD take more or less time to manifest themselves. They can also last longer or shorter. While we all react differently to cannabidiol, some basic information remains valid in the vast majority of cases. By knowing this, it’s possible to better understand when to take CBD, in what form, and for what effects. For example, full-spectrum CBD oil can stay in your system for about 3.5 days.

Here’s everything you need to know to understand how long to benefit from the effects of CBD.

How Long Does CBD Work for?

We all react differently to cannabidiol. The reason for this is simple and it’s a name: the law of effect. We’re indeed not all equal when it comes to the effects of CBD, for several reasons: genetic heritage, medical history, and frequency of consumption in particular. Thus, even with identical products and quantities, it’s possible that two individuals feel the effects at slightly different times. For example, full-spectrum CBD oil can have different effects on the same person at different times of the day.

Nevertheless, the mode of consumption remains one of the factors that most influences the time it takes for CBD to take effect.

Time Before Feeling the Effects of CBD Depending on the Mode of Intake

  • SmokingSmoking CBD is not recommended. This might be the fastest way to get effects (they’re almost instantaneous). However, it’s also the least healthy mode of consumption and, therefore, the most dangerous for health. Instead of smoking, you can buy full-spectrum CBD oil and have the same effects without putting your health in danger at all.
  • Vapingvaping is similar to combustion, less hot, and therefore less harmful (but not totally healthy for all that). If you’re vaping CBD, the first effects should show up after 15 to 30 minutes.
  • Sublingual Route(Under the Tongue): A few drops of CBD oil under the tongue produce rapid effects (after about twenty minutes), with no contraindication.
  • Oral:The oral route requires a little more time (about one hour) because digestion must begin its work before feeling the effects of CBD. However, due to the phenomenon called the first-pass effect, it seems that the effects are less significant at an equivalent dose than by going through the sublingual route. That’s why full-spectrum CBD oil is sometimes the best option for oral consumption.
  • Topical Application(Local): To relax the muscles or take care of the skin and face, the topical application usually takes effect in about one hour, but only near the area where the CBD is applied.

Influence of Dosage on the Action Time of CBD

We all have an acquaintance who is tipsy at the first beer and this other who digs into the after-dinner drinks as if nothing had happened. Although not suffering from the same side effects as alcohol or its cousin the THC (it’s neither addictive nor psychoactive), CBD follows the same logic: it takes effect more quickly in some people. Often, rather than duration, think about quantity. A larger person usually needs more CBD to feel the effects quickly. That’s why full-spectrum hemp oil in Australia is popular among certain customers.

Similarly, a person who doesn’t use often usually feels more marked effects than a regular consumer, whose body gradually gets used to the presence of the molecule.

For all these reasons, it’s important to look for the right cannabidiol dosage for your special needs. Again, it varies from person to person. Buying full-spectrum CBD oil in Australia or any other hemp product is easy but it’s highly recommended to consult your doctor before trying any of them.

How Long Do the Effects of CBD Last?

Again, the duration of the effects of CBD varies from person to person. As with the time needed to feel the first effects, the type of product and therefore the way of taking play a decisive role.

Inhalation, one of the fastest methods, is however not the most effective in the long term since the effects generally disappear in 2 to 3 hours. The oral route offers diffuse effects (4 to 6 hours on average) but is overall weaker than other grip modes. The sublingual route, which is also fast, then seems the most recommended when looking for effects on the whole body since they extend for several hours, for some users, up to 6 hours after taking. Finally, the local application, directly on the skin, acts on average for 2 to 4 hours, but only on the area concerned.

Final Thoughts

When you start taking CBD, it’s sometimes difficult to know if the effects haven’t yet arrived or, on the contrary, if the dosage is too low. Depending on the product used, you should now know what to expect. As a precautionary measure, however, it’s recommended to wait at least 2 to 3 hours between doses, just to give your body a chance to assimilate cannabidiol.

At Down to Earth, we specialize in CBD and hemp products. All our products are tested by independent labs to ensure their quality and purity and the lab reports are available on our website.

Of course, if you need more information about CBD, check out our blog or contact us and we’ll get back to you as soon as possible!

Crohn’s Disease: How Can CBD Help?

Crohn’s disease affects approximately 80,000 Australians. Often diagnosed in young adults (between 20 and 30 years old), it mainly attacks the digestive tract, causing inflammation in its path. It’s currently not possible to cure it, and the drug and surgical treatments that do exist to control it sometimes lead to heavy side effects.

Meanwhile, cannabidiol (CBD) is recognized for its anti-inflammatory effects and the absence of major side effects. That’s how the question of taking CBD against Crohn’s disease arises. CBD oil in Australia is widely used nowadays against different IBDs including Crohn’s disease.

CBD Against Crohn’s Disease: Where Did the Idea Come From?

Crohn’s disease is an inflammatory disease of the digestive tract that’s particularly troublesome during flare-ups. It’s also chronic, making it unpredictable. Specifically, this disorder is characterized by thickening and inflammation of the digestive tract lining, sometimes accompanied by ulcers, cracks, and even perforations. Each outbreak lasts up to a few weeks, with varying periods of remission from weeks to even years.

Crohn’s Disease Symptoms

  • Diarrhea
  • Nausea
  • Blood in stool
  • Stomach pain
  • Pain in the lower right side (when it settles at the end of the small intestine)
  • Other inflammatory symptoms not affecting the digestive system (canker sores, joint pain, erythema nodosum, uveitis, inflammation of the bile ducts, and vascular problems).
  • General damage to the quality of life of patients (fatigue, anxiety, depression, anemia, and weight loss).

The ability of CBD to act on many of these symptoms is the main reason that pushes researchers and Crohn’s patients to take a closer interest in it. CBD oil in Australia is already under the microscope as a possible treatment for Crohn’s disease or at least a way to manage its symptoms.

The Effects of CBD to Help Crohn’s Patients

We attribute many qualities to CBD, however not always scientifically proven. Its ability to act against inflammation and therefore against pain is certainly the one of which we’re most sure. Already, there are CBD treatments for pain and inflammation recognized. To date, they don’t directly concern Crohn’s disease but prove that the scientific community and governments, even the most skeptical, recognize the CBD benefits against inflammation and pain.

In the context of Crohn’s disease specifically, CBD could have the advantage of:

  • Reducing inflammation causing flare-ups.
  • Limiting abdominal pain
  • Eliminating free radicals thanks to CBD’s antioxidant power and protecting gastrointestinal tissues.
  • Regulating intestinal motility, which treats diarrhea.
  • Improving the overall quality of life of patients, in particular by limiting nausea and anxiety caused by disease.

Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD)

Crohn’s disease is one of the inflammatory bowel diseases. We also find under this same name “ulcerative colitis” as well as other inflammatory colitis, however rarer. Crohn’s disease is still the most common since it represents 70% of IBD. In all, it’s predicted that 1 in 200 Australians will develop IBD in varied places of the digestive tract. Beyond Crohn’s Disease, all IBD could thus benefit from the anti-inflammatory effects of CBD.

Buy hemp oil and try it. It may be the solution to your IBD –though always consult with your health professional first.

Can We Really Treat Crohn’s Disease with Plants?

There’s currently no treatment, natural or not, to permanently cure Crohn’s disease. Nevertheless, in addition to drug and surgical options, several plants seem to have a positive influence on the symptoms of the disease. They act mainly at two levels: stabilization of the digestive system and strengthening of the immune system more generally.

Hemp, from which CBD is extracted, plays many roles in regulating the entire digestive tract since it acts both on digestion, absorption, and many other GIT functions. Therefore, if you’ve IBD, it may be time to buy hemp oil and give it a try.

Which CBD Relieves Crohn’s Disease?

There’re dozens of different CBD products. In the context of Crohn’s disease, it’s preferable to favor a derivative of good quality, without THC, and allowing a healthy way of taking. So, avoid CBD e-liquids and prefer hemp infusions. Products containing CBDA may also be of interest due to the cannabinoid’s ability to reduce vomiting and nausea.

Final Thoughts 

Taking CBD in the context of Crohn’s disease doesn’t in any way replace personalized medical monitoring or any conventional treatment prescribed by a doctor. CBD isn’t recognized as a treatment in Australia and must therefore be considered for what it’s: a natural product capable of improving daily life.

At Down To Earth, You can buy CBD oil in Australia. Besides, you can find CBD concentrate oil for sale at our online shop. CBD concentrate is a highly concentrated cannabidiol extract drawn from the hemp plant. Moreover, all our products are tested by independent labs to ensure their purity and the lab reports are available on our website.

If you want to find out more about CBD, check out our blog, leave a comment, or contact us. We’re here for you!

CBD and Athletic Performance: Everything You Need to Know

Cannabis and CBD have always been the subject of much debate. Recently, the topic has regained popularity due to the Olympic Games.

After the suspension of runner Sha’Carri Richardson and the announcement that Megan Rapinoe will represent a brand of CBD products, opinions are coming from all sides. It might be time to settle the controversy and answer questions about CBD’s impact on athletic performance.

By the way, CBD topical balm creams are very common. CBD balm creams can relieve the balm pain fast and effectively.

Is Taking CBD a Form of Doping?

To find out if CBD is a doping substance, one must contact the World Anti-Doping Agency. This agency is responsible for banned substances and methods that can synthetically enhance the athletic performance of athletes.

When asked if taking CBD is a form of doping, the answer is no. Since September 2007, WADA has removed CBD (cannabidiol) from the list of substances prohibited in competition. However, it should be noted that other substances, particularly natural or synthetic THC, won’t benefit from this new status.

In short: CBD is no longer considered a doping THC agent, but it still remains banned. This was one of the factors that led to American runner Sha’Carri Richardson’s 30-day ban in early July 2021.

What Is the Use of CBD in Sports?

Many netizens felt the American athlete’s suspension for cannabis use was too harsh. Especially on the eve of the Olympic Games, which she was expected to win. Feelings of frustration and the perceived unfairness of the situation have only increased since the announcement that Megan Rapinoe is incorporating CBD into her exercise regimen.

According to the American football player, the use of CBD replaces the synthetic medicines usually recommended for athletes, especially for pain relief after injuries. Substances containing strong opiates can lead to severe addiction.

The athlete explains that he replaced these drugs with CBD products for:

  • Pain management to calm down after exercise (that’s why CBD pain relief balm creams are common),
  • Relaxation during the day and
  • Improve the quality of sleep.

In other words, taking CBD isn’t about enhancing performance. Rather, it’s about promoting recovery and improving the quality of life in everyday life. That means CBD is becoming a natural and more complete alternative to the solutions available to most athletes today. Animal studies show that CBD can enhance both mental and physical performance.

The anti-inflammatory properties of CBD play a key role in enhancing athletic performance. According to several pre-clinical studies, CBD can prevent tissue damage and nerve irritation in addition to alleviating inflammatory pain. CBD topical balm creams for example, can alleviate inflammatory pain.

Many athletes already add CBD to their training regimen and many specialists recommend it. CBD interacts with CB1 and CB2 receptors within the endocannabinoid system, which helps the body fight inflammations and relieves pain. The most common routes of administration are sublingual such as oils and tinctures and topical such as creams and lotions. The main benefit of topical application is that it can target specific areas. CBD massage balm lotions and creams are trending in Australia nowadays. Ultimately, sublingual consumption can activate the whole body.

CBD and Cannabis: Double Standards?

These two Olympians are a perfect example of the disparity between CBD and cannabis as a whole. While one of these substances is beginning to be accepted, the other continues to be banned and criminalized.

Not surprisingly, this discrepancy is having a significant impact on scientific research and the well-being of thousands of people. THC plays an important role in the functioning of cannabidiol. This is one of the reasons why a percentage of around 0.2% is tolerated at the European level.

As long as THC is criminalized, the interactions of these substances and their potential therapeutic effects remain underexplored and consequently underutilized.

Shouldn’t we explore the potential benefits of natural alternatives for athletes who face high levels of stress on a daily basis? Wouldn’t it be in everyone’s interest that CBD products could be taken more widely to promote wellbeing both during and after a competition?

If you’re an athlete and you’re going to take CBD to enhance your performance, always check the label claims for accuracy. That way, you’ll be able to follow the substance rules of your team or league. In Australia, most online stores that sell CBD products are transparent about the ingredients and concentrations.

Consult your doctor before taking any CBD products, especially if you’re an athlete.

Final Thoughts

Using CBD for athletes is common nowadays. The advantage of using CBD for athletes is that it passes drug tests. However, it’s highly recommended to take CBD under complete supervision from your doctor. In addition, you should always check the quality and purity of the CBD product. The best way to do that is to buy CBD products from companies and stores that allow third-party labs to check their products. For example, CBD balm creams are usually brands. CBD balm in Australia is going to be used by everyone in the near future.

At Down To Earth, all our products are tested by independent labs to ensure quality and purity. You can check the lab reports on our website.

Finally, if you’ve any questions, contact us or leave a comment and we’ll get back to you as soon as possible.

A Perfect Couple: CBD and Chocolate

If you read our blog, you know the benefits of CBD and maybe you had your own experiences with it. You’ve undoubtedly come into contact with chocolate before. But you probably didn’t realize that you’re doing something good for your endocannabinoid system. In this article, you’ll find out why moderate consumption of chocolate can be good and how chocolate harmonizes with CBD.

At Down To Earth, we sell the best edible CBD gummies in Australia, which are suitable for people who don’t like oils or other types of products such as oils. Some customers see them as weed edible gummies.

CBD: Natural Supporter of the Endocannabinoid System

CBD, short for cannabidiol, is one of many cannabinoids found in the hemp plant. And by the way also in our body. But first things first. Another is tetrahydrocannabinol, better known in its abbreviated form: THC. This cannabinoid is known to be intoxicating, which unfortunately often overshadows the numerous health benefits of the hemp plant. CBD, on the other hand, isn’t intoxicating. On the contrary. It’s said to have a mood-enhancing, antipsychotic, sleep-inducing, relaxing, anxiolytic, and anti-inflammatory effect. All positive properties for our body.

Speaking of the body: We also produce cannabinoids – so-called endocannabinoids. Our brains, have an endocannabinoid system with two cannabinoid receptors. Similar to CBD, the body’s own cannabinoids ensure, among other things, better sleep, relieve pain and reduce stress. It can therefore be said that those who produce enough endocannabinoids are better protected against neurological and mental diseases.

However, many people produce too few endocannabinoids. And this is where CBD comes in: It supports the endocannabinoid system and can thus eliminate a deficiency. CBD can be taken as drops, but also through food. Some of them have properties of their own that support the endocannabinoid system. For example, our beloved chocolate – or at least the raw material from which it’s made.

Hemp products are trending already and hemp gummies in Australia are more common than you might think. They can be perfect with chocolate.

Does Chocolate Make You Happy?

Who doesn’t love chocolate: in bar form, in cakes, in hot milk drinks, or maybe even as a sweet fondue with fresh fruit? Chocolate is good for the soul. Our grandparents probably already said that it should make you happy. In the same breath, they warned against too much chocolate. After all, it’s unhealthy for our bodies. Of course, this warning isn’t unfounded, but the main problem with chocolate is its high sugar content.

So, it’s worth looking at the sugar content in chocolate if you want to treat yourself to something sweet. Above all, chocolate consists of cocoa beans. And these actually contain substances that affect our psyche. Among other things, chocolate is known to have a mood-enhancing, energizing, and euphoric effect. With these properties, cocoa can therefore contribute to happiness. And of course, the chocolate too.

But what happens in the body when we consume cocoa? Due to certain fatty acid compounds, some of the substances in cocoa, so-called N-acylethanolamines, also work via the endocannabinoid system. The compounds ensure that anandamide – a quadruple unsaturated fatty acid that is also found in cocoa itself – is broken down more slowly. This supports the influence of cocoa on our brain metabolism and can thus influence our mood.

CBD and Chocolate Together: Double Action on the Endocannabinoid System

If you want to support your endocannabinoid system and the effects of CBD, you can use cocoa bean products. Raw cocoa is becoming increasingly popular. Some events serve raw cocoa drinks to guests, which is said to lead to an intoxicated state of happiness. truth be told, you won’t reach this state with the cocoa you buy in the supermarket. This one is roasted. As a result, certain properties are lost. It’s different from raw cocoa: it isn’t heated and can still spread its full effect. However, raw cocoa should be avoided in the case of allergies, during pregnancy, or cardiovascular or mental illnesses.

Cocoa can undoubtedly be combined well with CBD – of course, nothing easier than in the form of chocolate. With the cocoa content in your diet, you can increase the effect of CBD even further. Studies show that regular consumption of cocoa can, among other things, relieve fatigue while improving concentration and physical performance. A perfect complement to the benefits of CBD. Of course, you also have to be aware that chocolate products often contain a lot of sugar and that this can impair the positive effects. However, one can say that the darker the chocolate and the higher the cocoa content, the better.

Still, if you don’t want to try the mix of CBD and chocolate, you can try cannabis gummies au. They may be the perfect option for you! However, it’s better to consult your doctor before taking any CBD products, especially if you’ve any chronic illnesses.

Final Thoughts

We also like chocolate – especially CBD. Of course, we don’t want to withhold our favorite chocolate from you. Hemp gummies in Australia are trending nowadays. Edible CBD gummies have always been popular in the industry since they can be mixed with other ingredients such as chocolate and provide a fixed dose of CBD.

At Down to Earth, we sell all kinds of CBD products and all of them are tested by independent labs. You can check the lap reports on our website.

Of course, if you’ve any questions, contact us or leave a comment and we’ll get back to you immediately.

Enjoy your CBD and chocolate!

CBD and Driving?

CBD (cannabidiol) oil is an herbal product, legal and freely available on the market in many places. It isn’t subject to the Narcotics `Act in Europe and can be consumed without hesitation. However, cannabis products with a high THC (tetrahydrocannabinol) content fall under the Narcotics Act and are prohibited, as intoxicating effects can occur.

In Australia, hemp oil isolate and cannabidiol isolate are available in many online stores such as Down To Earth. Try CBD isolate oil; it’s one of the best CBD products on the market.

Can I Jeopardize My Driver’s License If I Consume CBD Oil?

The simple answer: it shouldn’t (but nobody should ever drive under the influence of drugs).

CBD products, i.e. cannabidiol, is extracted from the cannabis plant alongside THC, but it doesn’t have the same effect on the body. CBD, doesn’t get you high or cause any other effects.

CBD can be understood as an antagonist to THC.

Cannabidiol is even needed to counteract the effects of THC in the body. What’s more, CBD has calming and stress-reducing properties and is therefore used in many ways. However, without losing control of your body, which is the case with many other medications.

Your driver’s license shouldn’t be at risk if CBD oil is used once or more regularly. It also doesn’t matter in what dosage or with what strength. CBD oils have no definite side effects on the body and therefore shouldn’t affect cognitive abilities and concentration in traffic. It’s also not important how old the consumer is or whether he’s still a driver’s license holder in the probationary period.

However, once again: use your own discretion when driving and the decisions you make.

Use of CBD

You should also know that the factual and legal situation in Australia is constantly changing. After ingestion, many people wonder about their ability to drive on the road. CBD oils also have a certain proportion of THC, which by law may not be higher than 0.2% in Australia.

Every user of CBD oil also absorbs some THC, which raises the question of fitness to drive. Therefore, you should choose products that have the lowest possible THC content, preferably <0.1%. In addition, you should keep the number of drops as low as possible and, if necessary, use more highly concentrated premium oils. The EFSA (European Food Safety Authority) recommends not to exceed the daily intake of 60 mcg of THC.

Drug Test and CBD

Cannabis and drug testing – these two terms are closely related for some, knowing that a positive test can have legal ramifications. While the consumption of cannabis isn’t prohibited, the possession of certain products is. When consuming CBD products, you don’t own cannabis, but cannabidiol and the all-clear can be given. The only thing that can be verified is the specific drug they are testing for. A drug test during a traffic stop usually only tests for the substance THC. The consumed CBD content isn’t displayed with a urine test, which you don’t always have to submit to. It’s only tested for the psychoactive THC or THC-COOH. A pure CBD urine test, therefore, yields nothing at first, because the small amount of THC in the CBD product isn’t high enough, to be able to be displayed. Therefore, the THC can’t impair the ability to drive and there’s no CBD intoxication. As the psychoactive effect is absent and from a legal point of view, taking cannabidiol isn’t considered drug consumption.

The Most Important Question: When Can a Drug Test Be Positive?

At 1000 and 2000 milligrams daily when CBD oil contains more THC. However, the test result would be a “false positive”. A mass spectrometry test could then be created, the result of which would then be negative. These types of tests are more precise, and more specific, and don’t detect CBD or other cannabinoids. With the necessary amount of THC for an initial positive test, it’s very unlikely that there would be additional testing. However, if you still want to be on the safe side, you can simply buy products that are 100% free of THC.

Final Thoughts

Of course, these guidelines apply primarily to Australian road traffic regulations. Yet, they aren’t applied in all countries.

At Down To Earth, we sell all kinds of CBD products including hemp oil isolate and cannabidiol isolate. The isolate oil is a highly recommended CBD product. They are THC-free, which is a huge benefit for people who are constantly afraid of CBD products. However, any CBD product shouldn’t be taken without direct supervision from your doctor.

Furthermore, all our products are tested by independent labs to ensure their quality and purity and the lab reports are available on our website.

If you’ve any questions, feel free to contact us and we’ll get back to you in no time. Drive safely!
BD and chocolate!

Danger of CBD: When Is CBD Dangerous?

We sometimes hear, in the course of a conversation between friends, on the Internet, and even by the political class that CBD is dangerous. That, in the absence of hindsight, the precautionary principle should prevail. It would be better not to take it. So, how to disentangle what’s true and what’s false and form your own opinion in good conditions? Without jargon or taboo, we’ll explain in which case CBD can be dangerous and which cannabidiol-rich products can instead be consumed without fear.

If you’re looking for full spectrum CBD oilDown To Earth sells the purist full spectrum CBD oil in Australia.

Debunking Misconceptions: No, CBD Isn’t Dangerous

Let’s not maintain unnecessary suspense. CBD is not a dangerous molecule. It’s:

  • Non-psychoactive:It doesn’t get you high, unlike other cannabinoids naturally produced by cannabis/hemp, including THC.
  • Non-addictive:Consuming CBD regularly doesn’t create an addiction to the substance.
  • Devoid of major adverse effects:we come back to this point in more detail further down.

If CBD presents any danger or risk, this is due to how it is consumed as some ways of consumption present fewer risks than others. This is probably not a big surprise to most of our readers, but smoking CBD isn’t advised. Again, we’ll detail this point in a moment.

Is CBD Harmful?

No. The harmfulness of CBD is often cited by its detractors as one of its main dangers. The World Health Organization (WHO) itself declares on this subject:

“During its November 2017 meeting, the WHO Expert Committee on Drug Dependence concluded that pure cannabidiol (CBD) doesn’t appear to have abuse potential or be harmful to health.”

However, this doesn’t mean that taking CBD is never harmful to your health. The mode of consumption is often to blame.

Smoking CBD Poses Risks

In addition to being illegal, smoking CBD cannabis involves burning the material, and therefore bringing it to a very high temperature (up to 900°C). However, when there’s the combustion, there’s a release of toxins, toxic substances that one could, to simplify, become poisonous. CBD doesn’t contain nicotine, therefore smoking releases fewer toxins than a conventional cigarette. It’s estimated that a cigarette releases more than 4000 different toxins, out of which at least 70 are carcinogenic. A cannabis joint would only release 150 toxins, including five carcinogens. Better, but still dangerous.

Smoking CBD thus amounts, because of the combustion, to exposing oneself to an increased risk of oncological, cardiovascular, and respiratory diseases.

What Are the Dangers of CBD Oil?

Again, in itself, the oil doesn’t present any danger. However, it’s absolutely necessary to avoid smoking CBD oil. It’s also necessary, as with all CBD derivatives, to ensure product quality. Other dangers depend directly on the quality of the product, especially if it contains preservatives, and flavor enhancers or is extracted from a plant picked out of a “dirty” culture (pesticides, chemicals, heavy metals).

The extraction mode must also be taken into consideration. A CO extraction supercritical is recommended since it’s clean and respectful of the product. It isn’t so nor too hot such as during an oil extraction, which could alter the properties of the cannabinoids, nor extracted with a solvent, which can leave traces of chemicals in the oil.

Down To Earth  ensures a selection of top-quality CBD products, from natural and environmentally friendly agriculture.

In certain specific situations, generally directly related to the health general of the consumer and the possible taking of conventional treatment, it can be contraindicated to take CBD. Let’s see when and why.

CBD Contraindications: When Is It Best to Avoid It?

A few special situations should draw attention to the dangers of CBD. Analyzing them objectively then makes it possible to determine whether or not taking CBD is possible or, on the contrary, not recommended.

Drugs Interactions

A 2020 US study highlighted possible drug interactions with CBD, especially when taking antidepressants. Focusing on different groups of drugs, and treating diseases that are just as diverse, has made it possible to draw up a list of 57 drugs presenting a narrow therapeutic index, i.e. whose effects are potentially influenced by taking cannabinoids together.

Some Antidepressants are particularly concerning, implying very particular vigilance and an open discussion with the practitioner at the origin of the prescription before any regular consumption of CBD.

Can You Be Allergic to CBD?

There are rare cannabis allergies, which are not directly due to CBD. In the event of an allergic reaction, it’s more than likely that the product consumed contains THC and/or hemp pollen. To avoid them as much as possible, it’s recommended to avoid raw products in this case (cannabis flowers and resins) and to prefer a CBD isolate or a broad-spectrum product such as quality CBD oil, pure CBD crystals, or some creams.

Final Thoughts

CBD is not dangerous; that’s a fact. However, smoking CBD isn’t recommended since it releases many harmful chemicals; some of which are carcinogenic.

Additionally, it’s highly recommended not to take CBD products without consulting your doctor. Also, full spectrum CBD oil is usually the best option, and our store is well known for selling the best full spectrum hemp oil in Australia. All our products are tested by an independent lab to ensure their quality and purity. The lab reports are available on our website if you want to check them.

If you’ve any questions, contact us immediately. We’re here for you!